Who would have thought a saxophone player governor would have won? Thanks Perot.
If there is a third candidate, Obama wins re-election like Clinton did in '92.
The more I hear from Herman Cain, the more I like him. The thing I like most about Obama is that he is black (or at least half). It's time that race is diminished as an issue. It's time the race pimps are out of business.
What would be cool is to have two black candidates to give black voters a philosophical choice where race isn't even a consideration. I believe there are many conservative black voters who held their nose and voted for Obama because of the historical event. I believe many are now regretting that vote.
I believe Cain's political and philosophic positions more closely mirror black conservative voters positions.
I want us to get to a point where we don't have to refer to someone as the "black candidate" or talk about the "black caucus" or the "black community".
An Obama/Cain election would finally remove that distinction.
What I find most appealing about Mr. Cain is his achievements and experience as a CEO. As a business major myself I have studied his work at GodFather's and Burger King. He has some exceptional ideas about working through the economic conditions instead of throwing money on the fire.
Time will tell. I just hope he can muster up enough support to get into the debates. THAT will be an eye opening experience for many Americans.
Like all people... he isn't perfect. No one is or ever will be. I just hope he can get his things together and prepare for the attacks to come when he lays waste to the President's community organizer skills in debates.
I like his platform but he is unelectol as prez. I think he could go to the white house if he hooked up with a strong prex. canadate and ran as V.P. I am sure he could do a great job for our country. I think this is the best way to get him into the white house. My intrest is in America not who shot John.
I've known Herman for a few years now. I can't say if he's "electable" or not, I can say however, he is very serious about common sense and how it can help America. I first met him a few years ago when we were trying to get the word out about the Fair Tax. He's a great public speaker. When the Tea Party got going I met up with him again organizing rallies. He's a great person, and an excellent businessman. I'll support his campaign as best I can. I think he'd make a great president, and he's defiantly got my vote. He'll not split the party, if he doesn't get the Republican nomination, he'll publicly support the nominee. He's said so. He's going to make the best run he can, but he's not the type to get his ego in the way, and split the party. He knows that'll not end well.
I would love to see him as President or VP, preferable President so we don't fall into the trap of believing diversity means socialism. He is bright, capable, articulate and honest. That probably means he doesn't have a chance...
"There in evidence of business man ever having been elected."
The absence of evidence is not evidence enough to suggest that a business man can not be elected. Perhaps you mean to say that his chances are very low based upon historical data...
Either way, given what our country faces in the uncertain future... we need more people like Mr. Cain to step up to the plate and break the normal expectations of potential political candidates.
Glitch, thanks for your input. I also think he will do the best he can without breaking the party votes up too much.
That is what I am saying it is that if he dont make it I would hope to see him in another posision so we dont lose him. I hope I am not misundersstood.
He would be attacked with more venom than gwb or palin imo. Progressives hate black conservatives with passion enough to assault them in public. The big labor unions would petition poor blacks to come work on their plantation of hate in an effort to paint herman as an uncle tom all the while being cloaked in sheets of racial equality and freedom of speech.
The more I hear from Herman Cain, the more I like him. The thing I like most about Obama is that he is black (or at least half). It's time that race is diminished as an issue.
Unfortunately our first black President seems to have divided the country even more along race lines. Perhaps putting up another black candidate would close that division some, I'm really not sure. That isn't why I like Cain though. I just like his common sense business approach to things.
I just hope he can muster up enough support to get into the debates. THAT will be an eye opening experience for many Americans.
He was in the first debate. I only caught a bit of the debate, but still have it recorded. I did see some of the analysis afterwards done by Frank Luntz. He does some interesting things with focus groups. Cain cleaned up according to the focus group they had assembled.
I'm not sure that Cain would run as a black candidate per say. I'm really not sure what the black voters would do. It would provide them some interesting options though. If nobody is running against BO they could at least vote for Cain in the Primary, and if successful guarantee a black President in 2012. I would prefer a world where race isn't the issue though, I'm just not that naive. I really have my doubts that Cain would really win over the majority of the black vote. He really doesn't represent what the blacks seem to want to hear IMO. I would love to be proven wrong on that last part though.
Just what is the 'American' Dream Do better than the last generation? nope Own a house? nope White picket fence? nope A good paying job with a retirement? nope marriage? at 50% attrition rate?! A car ? pft - gas at nearing $5 a gallon?! 2.3 kids? not personally, and nationally the trend is downward, unless you are of the non professional non educated mostly entitlement
the debasement of the dollar happens after this next election, and before the 2016. Right in line with the centinenial celebration of the first Soviet !
Obama has become divisive on the race issue because it suits his purposes. If things are going well, he's the first post-racial black President. If things are going poorly, it's because he's black and his opponents are racist.
The really sad part is that the majority of the people who want racial equality and an end to the divisiveness are WHITE. There is a large portion of the "black community" that is economically and politically vested in racial conflict.
Without racism to blame, black individuals will be forced to stand on their own two feet and the work of their own hands. If you are poor and black and it isn't because "the man" is keeping you down, then you have to look introspectively at yourself. You have only yourself and the choices you make in life to blame.
I'm with you Fatty. Race is irrelevant. Either you are the right person for the job or you aren't. Doesn't matter if you are black, white, brown, or purple.
Anyone who wants true equality should be against things like affirmative action, United Negro College Fund, Rainbow Coalition, NAACP, and any other organization that fosters the notion that a particular race can't advance without their help.
I like what I've heard from Herman Cain. Not because he's black, but because he's the best conservative in the running right now.