Union Dude. Instead of posting pictures, please explain.
The Democratic Party is inherently racist as its strategy is to preach the Gospel of victimization which divides people and keeps the Democrats in power while keeping people in perpetual servitude. Been that way ever since the Civil War.
Republicans have this nasty habit of promoting individual responsibility and equal opportunity achieved through hard work, not through discriminatory issuance of privileges to protected classes. Been that way ever since Lincoln.
Disclaimer: the preceding is generalization but Laurie's coffee is extremely strong this morning.
I have seen Barack's ability to connect to other people in person and it is infectious...
Oh my. Some very disgruntled people would have said the same thing of Bernie Madoff at one point.
The Community Organizer is smarter than openly embracing Marxist values but that doesn't not make him a Marxist. He occasionally slips up and shows his true colors. {Stop it, don't go there). His comments about redistribution of other peoples labor to Joe the Plumber is a good example. Joe the Plumber was immediately villified. His comments about building a coal plant should have woken more people up but was glossed over by the Boot Licking Media. He has done everything in his power to weaken the US dollar as well as American prestige. Remember his comment about American exceptionalism? Of course you don't....
Cuz he connects with you and is infectious. Just like a sailor on shore leave.
Reindong!!! That is great and will be using that one. Thanks.
The Birthoramabama thing is not inherently racist even if there are few knuckleheads in there. (As there tends to be in all things).
It is a fair question. Obama's response is the problem.
On a superficial level, I am proud that this great country, America, can elect a Black man to the Presidency. But that has nothing to do about anything when the utterances out of his Piehole are so wrong that it literally scares and sickens me.
So please stop the racist drivel. We get it and reject it.
I hear you. Laurie and I have two longtime friends in San Francisco who go on Leftist rants about how Obama is ruining this country.
We politely listen and say that we agree wholeheartedly with them as we wink to each other.
It seems like DG and I disagree on virtually everything this side of Buells but we could probably sit at a bar and enjoy each others company and a bottle of beer....or fifteen.
No wmd's? Ask the dead. A bit tired of that propaganda crap. It came from Saddam's crew and was taken up by Bush's political enemies. Who KNEW Saddam had, used, and threatened the use of poison gas. i could post the links to Hillary et al talking wmd's. Or you could ask the scientist with anthrax in his freezer?
The "Birther" movement is a racist pursuit. Funny, Hillary never struck me as racist. Not overtly. Leftists tend to be really racist, and Bill has said a few things, but his mentor was a major racist, and that stuff sticks to some minds.
That poster from 3:10. It's not ironic. It's the truth. Some say the turning point was JFK. Until the Kennedy admin. the D's were the anti-negro party. Kennedy got Rev. Dr. ML King out of jail..... and the D's began decades of fake sympathy to the "lesser races". I can give you a century worth of quotes. The Progressive Movement cares a lot about racial purity. Eugenics, mass sterilization, abortion for the ghetto..... They just changed a few labels after Adolph made Eugenics unpopular.
I repeat. IF you were racist, wanted to destroy the negro family and community, what would you do different than Congress has done for the last century? Seriously. ( and who dominated congress since WW2? )
Not saying there aren't R racists. I don't remember it being part of the Party platform. It WAS for the D's. ( many were D's before Nixon, but certainly not all )
When I was a Teamster, one of our guys was a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party. In between trying to get the warehousemen to sing "The Internationale", he preached his vision of America after the Revolution. We would organize cadres of workers to build houses for the oppressed Black people in Oakland. I then asked who was going to build a house for me but he never had an answer for that. I then knew that I knew all that I needed to know about those rascals. True story.
Since when? How about always. Not everyone, but certainly I have friends who are nervous in places like the Falls or Germantown. They have all been pulled over fro DWBs.
It is subtle and they don't make a big deal of it or let it get in their way but it is there.
Can any of the computer techs around here verify what this video is claiming about the editing that was done on the birth certificate. I really do think that BO sees this as nothing but a joke that he can play on the nation. It really is a sad state of affairs considering how miserably his policies are failing. If BO had lead us into and era of prosperity and unification this sort of thing might be acceptable. Given the realities of the world at the moment I see BO as a POS. Time for the big flush in 2012.
Strokizator some people don't even realize they are racists sometimes. You need to look at yourself objectively and decipher why you have a such a hard time with a mixed race president. Maybe you feel intellectually threatened by such an accomplished thinker?
What your missing is you are where liberal guilt is being projected. First test of the Blame game is you get blame with what the accuser really feels.
I work at churches in the hood in the company truck no one notices I rode my M2 on a call one sunday to church in the hood i was close. And got stopped by cops. Once they talked to me i was on my way. Reason it wasnt normal to see a mc on sunday am in that area,
"When I was a Teamster, one of our guys was a member of the Revolutionary Communist Party."
When will these people realize that Marx was flat out wrong. There was no worker's revolt in any industrialized nation; the nations that did have "worker's revolts" were all pre-inductrial peasent cultures. Also, Marx didn't even describe how socialism would actually work, instead he simply complained about capitalism.
Man, I go away for a day and so many posts are made. Let me say this about the people who think that others are racist if they ask about his birth certificate etc - look at the video posted earlier where his wife refers to Kenya as his homeland (or home country or something) - things like that are red flags and people SHOULD ask about it.
It has nothing to do with race, if some white guy had his wife talking about going to his homeland of Ireland or Germany then Im sure the same would be asked 'wait a minute, where is this guy actually from? Is he a legal candidate for the position?'
I love when people think youre racist cause you dont like one person that isnt the race you are.
The link about his father - I dont understand why his fathers records from school would matter one bit about BO jr. Hell, I didnt know he ever went to Harvard ( I posted early in this thread about not knowing much of his father or mother), thats quite an accomplishment just to get into that school
Thanks Johnny for admitting you have no argument. Call someone a racist, stupid, yep, you have no argument.
Get it straight, the only ones who care that Barry is mixed race are the racist jerks who think the term means anything other than a way to oppress people by making them not human. You know, Klansmen, idiots, race exploiters and I guess, you.
Don't get me wrong. I'm class aware enough to have been proud that we, after a century, finally elected a dude with darker skin than sunburnt New England Old Rich. I just wanted it to be someone I respected. Like Condi Rice. That would have been awesome. A lady, and one whose father fought racism, plays piano, and is bright as all heck. ( even though I disagree with her on some things too )
Barack has played the class card from the very start. Some of his speeches can be "googled" as formula from marxist tracts. That's why I believe him when he tells us his faith is that of collective salvation.
Fraud? Just cheap.
The layers bit in the PDF comes from a cheap old scanner. Typical- govt. old tech held on to in an obscure office because it doesn't make life easier for the manager that spends the money. His is state of the art. And he doesn't use it. The schlubs down at the certificate office probably have a scanner & comp that uses NT. Maybe even W2000.
IMHO PDF's are uses to publish govt. documents because you can't instantly search them. That means in a 3000+ page bill, you actually have to read it all instead of jumping to the section on page 2784 where it states the "Secretary Shall Determine- who shall be executed without trial or disclosure/get health care/get taxed/..." parts.
It's May Day. The wobblies are out singing The Internationale at sozie gatherings across the country.
One third of our part time employees (3) are black. Does that mean I'm two thirds racist? I'd like to fire one of the others, anyway, and give her the hours. Then I'll only be 50% racist.