Sunny and I can lead a ride up the Caliente/Bodfish road to Dave Barr's place - and say that it was INSTIGATED by Badweb.
Ferris - did he decide to stick with the belt or go with the chain? That was a big item of discussion about making the final drive more snow-and-slush resistant.
Slaughter, not sure - he didn't mention it (we talked mostly politics - go figure!), and I didn't notice. Just took a look at the photos I took, and none have a clear shot at that area of the bike.
First time I've ridden in the Kern River Valley since late '06, very cool to see the place again. Didn't get a chance to do the Lion's Trail, tho. Let me know if/when you and Sunny head up that way?? Thx amigo.
This is the QB, it doesn't HAVE to be about motorcycles, but it SHOULD be cordial and civilized.
I'm kind of with Ferris. Blake and I have discussed, more than once, whether politics and religion are suitable topics for a motorcycle forum (for the record, my position is that they aren't, because the heat that they often generate spills over into other topics and tends to polarize people) and, since it's his forum, they remain "in-bounds" here.
As a custodian, then, I just ignore those threads and let the big guy deal with them.
But I will nuke your post if it's truly offensive or contains images or language that I wouldn't want to pop up on my screen at work (if I had a job) or at home (if I had kids around the house).
Face it, it's winter, we're all bored, some cabin fever setting in... discussion posts are just like verbal conversations in a way and they can start out as one thing and morph into another quite easily.
As long as no personal insults are hurled around I wouldn't see any problem with a lively debate about politics, religion or the best BBQ. And just like with TV, if you don't particularly like what you see or hear then you're always free to change the channel, ie don't read the thread.
I also agree that everything in here should be safe for work as other posters have mentioned.
We're all friends (I would hope...) even though some of our beliefs may not be the same, we all love to ride and explore. We shouldn't forget that.... it's what brought us all together in the first place...
In any case Spring will be here soon, Erik Buell Racing will be surprising us with his creations soon hopefully and then we'll have tons of other stuff to yap about...
Hah Scott. Let's have a showdown! All the Buell air-cooled owners versus the water-coolers. If you own both, you go to the side for the older of the two. That ought to put us at around a ten to one advantage. Hah. We rule!
I appreciate the sentiment. Just one thing you really ought to keep in mind. Denigrating and defaming God, the Bible, or my or Christianity here on BadWeB is HUGELY insulting to me. Capice?
Hey, has anyone wondered what happened to Danger Dave? Hopefully he wasn't swept away by water or wind...
I have been a bit under the weather. I still feel kinda weak, but I feel the need to speak up. SHOCKED, I know...
I feel comfortable here, even when a big imbroglio over something I may or may not be interested in is in session. I just ignore it, make light of it or join in the fracas. Whatever suits my mood at the moment.
The people here are very real but it's still the internet and I react to it as such. If you judge anyone based on such a shallow view of their personality, you will likely miss out on what could be a wonderful friendship. I, for one, believe that it is not possible to have too many friends.
As for Blake. I consider him to be a dear friend. Do we see eye to eye on every issue? Hell no! For one, he is about 3 feet taller than me and he is at least as hard headed and stubborn as I. It's a wonder we get along at all based on what we have typed here on this forum, but we do as I do with plenty of others that I have met and or spoken to from this site.
Great bunch of folks, past and present. I don't think any one individual has or will make or break this place. That's just downright silly.
I finished measuring my tolerance boundaries. It's okay for me to cave-in to the anti-God/anti-Christian verbal baiters. Even to the verbal master baiters. It's because they want to be right, so they get to be right and believe I am wrong. (Even though I am right and they are wrong).
Criminy sakes, it's a board. I have no XB and don't open the XB threads. I have no 1125, so don't open the 1125 threads. I have various tubers in various stages of disrepair and disassembly, therefore I open the Old School threads. Unfortunately, I'm weighed down by a millstone of opinions around my neck. And share them.
With something on the horizon emanating from E. Troy, this board will be around a while. Our sordid verbal sparring is nothing but filler until the next phase of Buell gets members back on track.
It's middle of Summertime down under there. I reckon he's on holiday or out on an extended test ride. His profile shows he logged-in just three days ago.
I keep my eye on the person near me that seems as smart as a box of rocks. They are due. If you keep looking you'll be astounded when all the sudden you see greatness. Everyone has it in them and it appears brightest in those that camouflage it best. So, I try not to alienate people when they tick me off.
I've been lurking here for a while and didn't register until lately. This is a great place for tech info and seems to be a good place for help with issues buell issue - it seems like whatever the issue there;s a bunch of folks who've already been there, done that and solved the issues. The QB is a little different with the politics, current events and religious threads. It also seems to me that most folks behave themselves for the most part until sooner or later one particular custodian gets involved. He gets nasty, the some of the other posters get nasty and pretty soon it turns into an insult-fest. Won't be long after that when some members get threatened with loss of posting privileges or actually get to the point of expulsion. It's easy for me to see the nastiest exchanges and the threats all have one individual custodian in common. It's his forum and it's easy to predict how it;s going to eventually end up. A couple cronies will throw gas on the flames and lend support. Then the custodian fueled by the support gets a second wind and really goes over the top.
Just like we all have the option to divert our eyed and motor away when we come across a trainwreck, we have all have the options of clicking out of these threads and clicking into the next thread - a funny video, a praise of Erik Buell Racing, or whatever (including Char)
The last point i'd like to make is that i find it very amusing,ultimately ironic and explicitly telling that a custodian who seems to champion strong conservative values and a love of the Constitution practices hypocrisy and denial of first amendment rights when he can't win an argument with a dissenting poster, and then goads his opponent until that opponent violates BW's rules of engagement with dereogatory comments, name-calling and personal attacks. n No matter that the same custodian uses some of those same devices to bring the debate to a boil in the first place -the double-standard is tolerated because it's his forum, after all.
Friends generally support friends and this place is no different. I've never met Blake but it seems his is intelligent and articulate. He's got some good friends ( Mr Canfield comes to mind) and that speaks a lot. It just that one achilles heel - his insistance his faith is fact and anyone who challenges that either his faith or his assertion that it is fact turns Dr Jekkyl into Mr Hyde. A criticism is perceived not a criticism but an attack
You have to wonder why someone who professes such a strong faith and is confident in his assessment that he's right takes such a burn when that faith is challenged. Most people with that kind of faith are highly confident and secure in their faith. Doesn't seem to be the case in this instance. Makes you wonder why. When you get this sort of rabid response from somebody about one of their positions the first thing that comes to mind is that they're really not that secure or convinvced themselves.
This is jut my opinion based on my observations over the last few month but I'm quite confident in the assessment. The only question I have is how long this post will be allowed to stand. I've seen similar postings disappear without a trace in a matter of minutes. I saws Mr Canfield make a post some time back on who Blake would make a perfect replacement for a certain destabilized government. He certainly has demonstrated the right skill set for a new role as despot. Don't know how well he'd fare against the opinion of the majority though as even somebody as seemingly intrenched as Mobarek got the boot when the citizens used a social media he couldn't censor or control though intimidation
I'm giving 10:1 odds this post is gone in less than 60 minutes and 20:1 odds it's gone by this time tomorrow. Any takers?
And will I lose privileges? I'll go 20:1 0n that bet too. OR have my IPS blocked ? Again, 20:1
No matter really- I've already found at least three work arounds for getting back on badweb despite losing privileges and having my ISP blocked. Back doors are pretty simple to find even for a non-internet savy puke like my. Amazing what you find with a simple internet search
In another thread I think I saw Blake cite 125 new members this month. At least 5 of those are mine. Now he he just has to guess which ones are mine? National, international travel and accomodating friends in all 50 states does have some advantages
(Message edited by bjwinhausen on February 11, 2011)
(Message edited by bjwinhausen on February 11, 2011)
I'm giving 10:1 odds this post is gone in less than 60 minutes and 20:1 odds it's gone by this time tomorrow. Any takers?
And will I lose privileges? I'll go 20:1 0n that bet too. OR have my IPS blocked ? Again, 20:1
No matter really- I've already found at least three work arounds for getting back on badweb despite losing privileges and having my ISP blocked.
My bet is that if your post gets deleted it will be for that fact that you have violated terms in the past and have been banned, not because of the content of this current post.
"Jerry Haughton who turned his entire PACBOG horde onto the place..."
Jerry I know it was waaaay back there but, do you you know what ever happened to: Heidi (She of te silver S3)? What about Tony (The guy who made his S1 look tiny)? Or, I forget his name, the WA police officer who set the perfect pace through 111 miles of Sierra curves? And the others PACBOGers who enjoyed that wonderful summer romp (Blue Groove 2) through some of the finest twisted roads I have ever enjoyed?
Jerry I know it was waaaay back there but, do you you know what ever happened to:
Yo Greg!
Have lost track of most of the original PACBOG gang, sadly. I've got two file cabinets worth of data at home, including a zillion photos, from that era, and one of these days I'd like to archive it all here on BWB.
Those were halcyon days, to be sure.
Here's a photo of Dave Barr being glamorous from the other day. It's not BWB compliant, and I'm giving 20:1 odds that the photo will be removed by a nasty moderator by this time tomorrow: