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| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 02:58 pm: |
Hell yea, it came on right after Disney on Sundays. Jim and Mr. Green Jeans where ALWAYS my two favorites. Marlin Perkins and Captain Kangaroo were glory hounds, the other two did all the work. |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 03:11 pm: |
i miss when pints o beer were really pints.
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 04:36 pm: |
"i miss when pints o beer were really pints. " OK, you got me flummoxed on that one. Other than the difference between an Imperial (UK) pint vs. the 16 fl. oz. type we have here....... Marlin Perkins always sent Jim in for the dangerous stuff. Jacques Cousteau would always narrate the same way, but in his French accent, "Mah sohn, Phillipe, enterrred ze wahter, ahnd waz eemeedeeatelee devoured bye ze ongree shahrks." |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 04:46 pm: |
I forgot what I was going to say. |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 04:50 pm: |
Did anyone else used to watch Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins. Me too. Disney used to have some cool movies/series on Sunday nights too, like Patrick McGoohan in "the Scarecrow of Romney Marsh". Anybody else remember that? |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 04:54 pm: |
Patrick McGoohan = THE PRISONER! As for Romney Marsh: The scariest thing there is the louts that play soccer (football to me) there on a Sunday morning. |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 04:57 pm: |
T V was not available in my area until I had finished High school (ranched raised in the country). Had to listen to Green Hornet on radio.- damn I am old |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 05:02 pm: |
Who remembers party lines? Different ring patterns for each house. |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 05:05 pm: |
Hell yes you should try to talk trash to your girlfriend when on a 8 party line. |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 06:00 pm: |
The Scarecrow was one of my favorite movies as a kid. A few years ago my older sister got it for me on DVD. Not sure where it is but I have it somewhere. Had a girlfriend that was on a party line. Had to be careful! |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 07:07 pm: |
Anyone else spend any time with an outhouse? My uncle had a place that only had an outhouse. Stunk in the summer and you were fast in the winter! |
| Posted on Wednesday, February 02, 2011 - 07:27 pm: |
My great grandfather in his 90's had a little 3 room cottage he lived in when I was a little kid had no running water had a pump and an outhouse. He was an old honrey Scotsmann. He used to say DAYVAY hole ure gob ure goin da right way to a smack mouth now get me wellies we're goin oot !!!!!!!! |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 12:39 am: |
Remember when every small engine had it's pull rope tied on the bars because recoils were not common yet? Ya ever collect Coke and Pepsi bottles along the highway as a seven year old kid? We are talking major East West route before the Interstate system. US Route 6. Odd to me now that the parents did not even have to worry about us walking the ditches along the roadway with traffic flowing by, heck we parked our bikes on a 18 inch wide gravel berm right outside the white lines while doing it. Started out at two to three cents per bottle if it was not damaged. Five of them would score a fresh bottle of Pepsi and a Fire Ball! My dad was cool. A new '64 Chevy Impala SS 327 Power Glide, in maroon and black. We got to ride on the back shelf in the window if we were good! |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 12:44 am: |
That and taking the cork seal out of the back of the bottle cap and using it to make a button on your shirt with the bottle cap. |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 01:03 am: |
Yeah, and the game numbers under the cork seals. I don't remember what you could win. |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 01:15 am: |
Sifo, Wild Kingdom was a Sunday afternoon ritual with the family. Great stuff. Stan is still the man. |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 12:19 pm: |
Remember when every small engine had it's pull rope tied on the bars because recoils were not common yet? Starting an old lawn mower where you had to wind the pull cord every pull was no fun at all.... The the cord would eventually break, you'd tie a new knot in the end. So you'd end up with a such a short cord it was really hard to start..... One time, I got so mad I took my handy dandy pocket knife cut down the clothes line to make a new pull cord. My grandmother thought it was great that I got the mower running and mowed her grass.... Until she tried to put the laundry out to dry. Wow, I haven't thought about that in decades. |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 12:46 pm: |
Those non-recoil pull rope starters were a pain. In the late 1960's a friend and I owned an old Simplex Challenger go-cart together (my uncle and his dad purchased it used for us). It had a two-stroke West Bend engine on it that was a cantankerous bitch to start about 90% of the time. I got where I could wind that rope, pull and repeat about once every two seconds. It took anywhere from 2 to 20 pulls to crank it depending on what mood it was in. The go-cart was great fun when it was running, but it gave me an everlasting dislike of small two-stroke engines. (Message edited by Hughlysses on February 03, 2011) |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 02:50 pm: |
Going back to Mutual of Omaha... God I loved watching those shows! Jacques Cousteau was a super fave too... The guy who was Perkins' sidekick now runs Remote Area Medical, a nonprofit that helps poor/destitute folks get medical and dental care- he's based out of Knoxville. The local weekly paper did a piece on him a while back, very good reading! Growing up, I had Opryland, the Wave Pool (still there), and Hermitage Landing to go terrorize the normals- one or two summers at Hermitage Landing, they would give admission for 7 Pepsi bottle caps! Me and my buds drank a LOT of Pepsi back then... Sadly, Hermitage Landing is now "Nashville Shores"- nothing like back in the day... Also- I miss growing up in the local roller rink- still got my racing skates- to heck with rollerblades! We had a racing team, competed against everyone in middle TN... "Speedskate, Everybody Speedskate!!" |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 03:03 pm: |
They wouldn't let me in the roller rink because I had long hair. "I remember in 69 smokin' dope and drinkin' wine I'm homesick" Anyone remember ARS? |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 03:12 pm: |
I think I watched every Disney Sunday night movie when I was a kid |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 03:16 pm: |
Remember the days when kids would just get together to play sandlot baseball. All done without adult input/supervision. I never see that happen anymore. |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 03:43 pm: |
Atlanta Rhythm Section? Crap, can't say I remember their music... Been a lot of days since then... |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 04:59 pm: |
Age is a state of mind (sometimes over-ruled by the state of your body) Atlanta Rhythm Section: hl=en&rl=yes&v=_wVoT9Hgg3I I finally graduated from college last Spring, in my 50's. Never give up. (thumbs are tired from typing on the phone, time for a nap, after I pee) |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 05:13 pm: |
I saw ARS in concert at Clemson about 1975. Lead singer was so wasted he literally fell flat on his face in the middle of the set. IIRC, they started out as B J Thomas's ("Raindrops Keep Fallin' on my Head") backup band. |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 06:33 pm: |
I remember ARS, Marlin and Jim on mutual of Omaha, The sunday night disney movie and that friggen laurence welk and his bubble machine !!!! I also remmeber the4:30 movie and abc that was great with GODZILLA!!!!!! |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 07:59 pm: |
I really need to get tested for dyslexia I read Mutual of Obama ---twice ! |
| Posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011 - 08:53 pm: |
"I forgot what I was going to say." They say the first thing to go is your memory...I forget what comes next. Speaking of pumps and out houses; When I was eleven we moved to a farm with just a pump, out house and a wood burning cook stove in the kitchen. Pumping and carrying water for a family of (then) eight and fourteen dairy cattle was a... My older brother liked to fill his buckets to the brim. Not so bad most of the time but it really sucked when it was ten or twenty below and he slopped it in the snow path that led to the house or cow tank. We both ended up on our butts covered in quickly freezing water more than once before he learned his lesson. Trips to the outhouse at those temperatures were, well, rapid! Then there's the story about the same brother and the Lone Ranger radio show. I could go on but I'd sound like somebody's grandfather...oh wait...I am. G |
| Posted on Friday, February 04, 2011 - 11:17 am: |
Here is something I miss....Cracker Jacks..the Real ones that had TOYS in them...but I gotta admit, the current Cracker Jacks taste exactly the same as they did when I was a pup... Who remembers that they came in a cardboard box sealed with waxed paper, then the familiar wrapper...I used to save the wax paper for kindling when I went camping... |
| Posted on Friday, February 04, 2011 - 12:21 pm: |
I was just thinking of that . . . imagine if some kid today swallowed a jack, or whatever toy, inside a box of Cracker Jacks??? You'd have to have a hold harmless agreement to sell cracker Jacks today. |