Armageddon! Apocalypse! Anyone preparing for the coming storm? These "Misery" folks are freakin' out like it's the end of the world and we haven't seen a flake of snow yet. Schools are already closed tomorrow, post is closed tomorrow. So what will I be doing... homework.
Ice, snow... got it. We have enough food/water stockpiled for a few months. About the most horrendous thing that could happen would be for the electricity to go out.
It seems like the media is really loving freaking people out lately. I let it get to me a little a couple of weeks ago but at church 2 sundays ago Pastor Trevor's topic was all about this and he made me feel a lot better. "Give in and give it to God". Works for me!
I look at it as IF it happens THEN I'll deal with it. I'm in Northern Il. and they're forecasting up to 24" of this nasty white STUFF. More often than not they're off by quite a bit. Meteorologist ~ One of the few jobs that you can be wrong up to 80% of the time and STILL stay employed.
Supposed to be freezing rain here starting sometime after midnight into Wednesday. It's too cold for freezing rain so probably just a bunch of snow until afternoon on Tuesday.
Same here in LA when we have the fire season. I actually get phone calls from friends and relatives overseas to ask if I am ok, since CNN and others make it seem like all of LA is ablaze and it is the doom of us all.
(no joking matter though for those in the fire zone)
Worked in downtown Minneapolis today. Got the heck out of town before the PM crush started. You would think with all the snow they get that they'd learn how to drive in it. Cars & trucks in the ditches all over.
The snow is supposed to start during the morning commute tomorrow, and continue until early Thursday morning. All told, we're supposed to get another foot and a half. I have no freakin' idea where I'm going to put it. The snow banks are already approaching six feet tall. I'll tell ya, WINTER SUCKS!!!
We will get a good layer of ice down here. The ice storms are worse than the snow around here. It all sucks. The headlights on the truck are not working, only the "day light running lights". So since I can't ride, I'm stuck being mobile only during day light.
If chicken little told you the sky was falling...... Bet you would my friends, again and again....
Is that what "shovel ready"means? Looking at -10 with -30 wind chill for a couple of days.....and mucho snow. Could actually be a show day off from work Wednesday and an early off tomorrow..... that is extremely rare.
Brad- I would have given you a call. I got a frantic call yesterday about a problem one of our subsidiaries were having with their phone system T1 PRI(for the past month). They had all the responsible parties coming this morning but they hadn't been able to fix it after all this time so they asked me to come up to help.
I walked into the basement telephone closet and looked at the demarc then asked the phone tech "Why is there both cross connect wires and that RJ jumper plugged in?" Our office is on the 27th floor and the extra jumper went to the 20th. Needless to say our problem went away as soon as the extra jumper was removed.
I had asked my daughter, that works downtown, if she wanted to go to lunch, but decided to head back home before that. I was thinking about coming up to the IMS but will probably pass on that now.
Milwaukee is pretty much gonna shut done tonight and tomorrow and let the snow removal crews do their thing. We will all be back to close to normal by second shift tomorrow.
Streets in Grand Prairie are ice. Now it's snowing. S'posed to drop to 16oF tonight. Three days ago it was a gloriously sunny 76oF, and I was running the air conditioner on the way here from Kilgore.
110v 3500 watt inverter in the jeep. Snow blower fueled, Propane tanks full, lanterns-check, batteries charged, food-check, pizza delivered, snow and wind-check, work told me tomorrow is not excused. What good is a blizzard? Can you say thundersnow? My favorite kind of storm.