Lol! We are still in iraq, the patriot act still in place, guantonimo still operational, bp oil spill, high unemployment and record payouts to big corporations/banks.
This video proves one thing: millions of people bought the hype of a largely biased media. Where is your god now.
"We are still in iraq," but Obama didn't put us there in the first place, based on lies to the UN and the American public, and overwhelmingly voted for by the Senate;
"the patriot act still in place," again, as approved blindly by the Congress, and as created by the Bush administration;
"guantonimo still operational," a totally no-win setup, established by the Bush administration (what's your solution, if you think it's easy?); "bp oil spill," a result of decreased industry regulation under several successive administrations, as well as plain corporate greed placed above environmental stewardship; "high unemployment" as a result of the catastrophic state of the US economy as handed to the current administration and debated during the presidential elections (remember McCain making a show of taking a campaigning break to go to Washington to "save the economy?", and then losing so much credibility by declaring that "the fundamentals of our economy are strong," as Rome was burning all around him... all well before the current administration entered office; "and record payouts to big corporations/banks," a strategy begun, if you will recall, by the Bush administration.
It's too easy to take pot-shots at whatever current leader we have in this country, while ignoring or conveniently forgetting what the preceding administration(s) put into place that was then inherited as a problem to deal with, and omitting any mention of the part our elected legislative leaders of both parties had (have) in creating the mess. Our country has deep problems now that have evolved through many prseidents' terms in office as well as an increasingly complex and dangerous international scene, and we cannot fault Obama for trying to address the problems, we can only fault him perhaps for being too naively optimistic in his addresses to the people about how his administration will be able to solve them.
It's too easy to take pot-shots at whatever current leader we have in this country, while ignoring or conveniently forgetting what the preceding administration(s) put into place that was then inherited as a problem to deal with, and omitting any mention of the part our elected legislative leaders of both parties had (have) in creating the mess.
Iran is Carter's fault. And don't get me started on the Panama Canal.
Certainly it's not barrier for blaming GWB for thing from before he was born. I couldn't be happier that the closing of Gitmo has failed. It has served a purpose for a very long time, and it's need hasn't gone away. I'm guessing that when BO got into office some generals had to explain this all to BO. It's a shame we will certainly never get to see that conversation on YouTube.
Gitmo is easy They are TERRORISTS. We dont have to hold them. We can under international law, kill them where we find them. Go read the Law of Land Warfare (the Geneva Convention) Spies, subversives, terrorists and pirates. Put em dead where you find them
Dont even get me started on reading them the 'Miranda' Act. They are not US citizens, they should never be afforded any of the Constitutional protection of the US; especially since they seek to destroy it. Winning the hearts and minds of the enemy Two to the chest, one to the head
It's too easy to take pot-shots at whatever current leader we have in this country, while ignoring or conveniently forgetting what the preceding administration(s) put into place that was then inherited as a problem to deal with, and omitting any mention of the part our elected legislative leaders of both parties had (have) in creating the mess. Our country has deep problems now that have evolved through many prseidents' terms in office as well as an increasingly complex and dangerous international scene, and we cannot fault Obama for trying to address the problems, we can only fault him perhaps for being too naively optimistic in his addresses to the people about how his administration will be able to solve them.
The problem is when you were elected specifically for the task of fixing the problems and reversing policies of previous administrations and then not only don't "fix" the problem but expand them, people tend to get a little disillusioned.
I agree that there are problems that were originated with previous administrations. It doesn't change the fact that the past is past, and Obama is reneged on nearly every promise and provided problems that dwarf anything that came before him.
I wouldn't for a second try to defend the actions of a politician - don't get me wrong. I think we have a bunch of miserable self-servers and terribly mis-guided individuals on both sides of the aisle in office and in appointed positions in D.C.
I don't even begin to know where to start fixing the mess that years of 20th century national and international politics have wrought - except to address wrongs and injustice where I can see it and actually act to do something about it. Imagine, if everyone were to act, even in little, local ways.
Well gang looks like its more tax cuts for the rich and $3.00+ gas for us. Seems like a good time for totus to take break with another lavish vacation. So don't go to applebees this weekend and eat some pb&j all week. Mrs. Totus needs some xtra spennin monays.
Sorry to disappoint the class warfare folks but 1/4 millionaire isn't close to rich. But don't fret my friend, because someday soon, you too will be an Enemy of the People because they haven't indexed their perverted definition of "rich" to inflation. Remember the original purpose of AMT back in 1969 was to target ~40 rich people? It now threatens to ensnare the entire middle class.
Well gang looks like its more tax cuts for the rich
That would be no tax hike for all of us.
Seriously, when the tax cut was originally put in place tax revenues went up. What do you really believe will happen if the original tax rate is put back in place? Only a fool would think there would be no negative impact on the economy.
We have actually gotten to the point where tax cuts are actually impossible for something like 48% of households. Does this really sound like a rational policy to anyone?
I'm fairly convinced that the handle has been pushed and we are simply swirling in circles trying to figure out when is the best time to take a deep breath and hold it. That breath holding phase is going to turn ugly.
It is impossible to have "tax brakes for the middle class" when the middle class pay virtually NO tax.
When you repeat the same tired, progressive, class envy line, about "tax brakes for the rich", you demonstrate ignorance about how the tax system works.
As of the 2008 tax year, the bottom 50% paid 2.7% of the taxes. The bottom 47% actually received more from the Federal Government in benefits, rebates, and tax credits than they paid into the system.
There is no way to have tax brakes without them being for the rich. They are the only ones paying any Federal Income taxes.
You must take from the "rich" and give to the poor in order to give any more of a tax break to the middle class. This isn't a "tax break". This is redistribution of wealth.
Too bad we'll never see a flat tax. Doing so would relinquish too much government control.
Want to sell electric cars no one incentive. Want farmers to grow more incentive. Want a large company to come to your incentive.
A flat tax is fair and equitable. No deductions. No credits. Everyone pays. Make a buck, send in your share.
$250,000 would be on the hook for another 11,500 bucks a rear
11,500 is a BUNCH of $$$$$ to me... I know I wouldn't want to give it up. Hell, I don't want to pay what I pay now! I don't understand how hard it is to figure out.. you can only spend what you take in and maybe ya might want to put some back for a rainy day or maybe a war or two...
Lead by example.... and look at the example they are setting No wonder we are in such a f'n mess
Heard a stat today, I verified it a couple of years ago so it's changed a bit. The top 1%, those earning over $360,000 a year pay 95% of the income taxes. The bottom 48% pay nothing.
As far that the "rich" not paying their "fair" share.. I personally have at least 3 friends that are small business owners who all bring in over $250,000 per year. The way the business is structured, they would have been killed by letting the existing tax rates expire. This is not about "tax cuts", it's about raising the tax rate structure that has been in place for over a decade.
As was said in the past, "Washington doesn't have an income issue, they have a spending problem".. The first thing you do when you are in a hole is stop digging. The folks out in the clown palace haven't figured that one out yet.