Why do we even bother teaching history? We have not learned from it.
America = ROME on SPEED
Things like this almost make me hope I have a heart attack on an empty road while out riding. How do we come back from this? What motivation do we have to pass on? How many of our leaders have committed treason?
Ultimately, progressive ideals are a dead end street. When it fails to deliver a chicken in every pot, the rubes will get religion fast. (See mid-term elections).
Article 1, Section 8
Tenth Amendment
When that fails, Second Amendment. (See big red reset button).
We haven't had a good old fashioned civil war in a while, we are overdue. It's time to return fear of the people to the hearts of our political "leaders". A few public executions for treason and crimes against the Constitution ought to do the trick.
Look at the 'taxes' and incremental government licensing and assessment fees we pay! 235 years ago there would have been rioting in the streets with pitchforks and long muskets.
We get what we roll over for. Welcome to the new 'entitlement' the cost, your freedom.
(hell little billy cant even fly the flag off the back of his bike!)
Rome was a fairy tale, look closer to Russia 1921; the revolution is coming
Remember, these are stock shares, not debt notes. If GM stock quadruples, we should all celebrate, foreign-owned shares notwithstanding. Go buy yours now and share in their optimism.
I have owned nothing but GM cars since I began driving in 1973. When GM took the bailout money and became Government Motors I swore I would never buy from them again. Yesterday I put my money where my mouth was. I traded in the wifes Tahoe for a 2011 Ford Expedition. It looks like Ford is the last of the great American auto makers.
yes, but I dont like Fords cozy relationship with Microsoft. I have killed so many winboxes, the last thing I need is a vehicle on the side of the road with the 'Blue Screen of Death'
But of course my 84 Ford is running like a top, and I have no intentions of replacing that truck
Sorry, guys, this is not news. This is where left and right politics agree. It's just that the left knew of it earlier.
GM has had a massive interest in China that it didn't have to report to the US because of investment protection rulings. GM can cry bankruptcy in the US, knowing that union haters will believe them. Then GM can shuffle their accounts and fill with China money.
GM cries the blues, the government "loans" the money and hits the workers' pay and benefits. Union haters love this breaking of promises. GM pays back the money, posts a huge profit, and the workers are still hurting.
Slave Labour Manufacturing Techniques: if you're connected to any Kaizen, Sigma, 6S, TPS, etc., you're already getting/teaching those lessons.
With employees in Mexico, Canada, Europe, and China with US manufacturing becoming the smallest portion of its global work force and with US product sales decreasing annually as a percent of the global production.
My Honda Odyssey and its drivetrain were manufactured in Alabama by American Honda Motor Company, headquartered in California and employer of tens of thousands of Americans. The vehicle has a 75% "domestic content" (US/Canada) rating. My dad still thinks it's a Japanese car because it says "Honda".
Despite the Toyota brainwashing they play on TV, GM still employs several times more Americans (68,500), and has something in the area of 40 factories in the US in operation today. GM global HQ is in Detroit. Yes they are a global company with their hands in pretty much every corner of the globe, but they are still an American company. HD has a plant in Brazil and soon India, are they not an American company too?
The thing is,with them buying a large percentage of GM stock(it IS significannt isn't it?)they'll want to STEER the company thru their appointed board member(s).
Then follow the money.
Ford is a global company.WHO owns Ford?
Bought a COOL new pair of American manufactured "7forallmankind" jeans last weekend.
What is being missed in the "American" discussion is that identification has different meanings to the CEOs than it does to you and I.
Personal differences aside, we think of an American company as one that "blesses and is blessed by" American content. We think that such a company will share our sacrifices and gains. We think that it will understand national and local issues. We think that loyalty to such a company will be a two-way street.
That's not the way the CEOs or the shareholders think. They resent any protectionism or isolationism. They have no plan for the exclusive benefit of America.
Look up the recent telling off the CEO of Cat gave Asia (last week?). That sums up their argument.
They see themselves as tied to no nation. For that, I would suggest they are not "American" in the way that we would use that word.