Damn dinosaurs drilling for oil cracking methane bubbles and destroying the world. Millions of years of evolution and I guess we're no better than they were.
Wait a minute if we're driling for oil that is made up of dead dinosaurs..... What dead creatures created the oil the dinosaurs were drilling? Oh, man. I think I just blew my own mind.
Fast forward 60 million years...two scaly octopods are talking to each other at a road race...."man I just love anything that burns dead humans".....omfg I'm having a
We already covered the mass methane death wave, and that article is geared more for The weekly World News than a legit paper. Like the Enquirer. ( It understates the real risks for sensational ones. There will be no supersonic tsunami. Rolling wave of flaming toxic death? thats real )
I doubt the BP oil well will trigger the Yellowstone SuperVolcano either. But. The anchoring of offshore windmills......THEY might release the Methane Clathrates frozen in undisturbed ocean floor!
It would be ironic if Ted Kennedy's refusal to allow a windmill in his mansion's view was all that kept the human race alive to this day.
man i hope that no one actually believes that garbage. even if every word is true they lose credibility for the lack of proper grammar, not that mines perfect.
There are seeps EVERYWHERE - and were before oil was discovered as a fuel source.
We always had it on the beaches of CA in the early 1960s. Back then we used to use carbon tetrachloride to clean it off (yep, before carbon-tet was discovered to be bad)
BP is NOT the villain - WE ARE the villains in our constant refusal to conserve, to have HUGE numbers of kids, to demand energy-hogging consumer goods. There is a LONG LINE of oil companies forming behind BP - ready, willing and able to take their place and they have been drilling in deep water for decades.
From the Pogo poster from the FIRST Earth Day (before it was a fad) - Walt Kelly:
No BP is not the villain. I'm not sure that we are either. Human kind is far better off because of technologies that run on energy. Without energy we are little more than any other animal trying to scratch out survival from their surroundings. I for one will not willingly start living like they do in Afghanistan. Even many things they rely on would not be available without energy.