we cant. have you seen the ROE? you almost need a personal handwritten note confessing to be taliban to engage return fire. Afghanistan defeat is what undermined the Soviet Union and toppled its super power status; expect nothing less for our experience. We are done 18-24 months after a 'non' winning with drawl; and indeed the paper tiger that China has known us to be since we 'lost' in Vietnam. Again another set of f'd up ROE.
Of course we can win on the Afghan Front. However, I don't think that's acceptable to the fly killer above. It would require too much reality, starting with... 1 admitting who we are at war with. 2 controlling the borders of Iraq, Afghanistan and the U.S. 3 destroying the regimes that support the enemy. 4 accepting that you can free a people from tyranny, ( as GWB did for 50 million people ) but they have to make themselves free. 5 not occupying countries to build them up. You take out the bad guys in charge, hand the mace of authority to the highest ranked survivor, hand him a sample Constitution, explain that it's all on him now, and if his country is hostile or violates the mandatory part of the sample Constitution, he's toast, and someone else gets his job, until no one is left. ( sample Constitution available from me later...if you want a thread on that idea )
With current U.S. leaders, ROE's and policies, win is not in the vocabulary.
The Russians didn't worry about rules of engagement or bad publicity or any of that crap & they still lost thousands of men & pulled out as did the British.
The irony of it all is that the mujahadin were partly supported trained & armed by the CIA, with the goal of giving the Russkies a bloody nose. The problem now is that some of those same weapons & training techniques are being used against us. I say us, as the Brits are in there too, we've lost over 300 so far.
The Brits are top notch. Call them in the top 6, 7 in the world. I'll let others argue the rest of the list, ( I naturally think the U.S. should be on it ) but head to head, any of the top "teams" could win. (despite what you see on bad tv shows that "compare" forces thru history...yeah, i watch them )
The Muj, are a classical mountain fighter people. The historical facts are clear, the Pathans, Kushans, etc. have fought, lost & won in those mountains since Roman times.....and before.
None of that makes a difference if you can run across a line on the map, be safe, and re-armed.
None of that makes a difference if the politicians won't let your forces fight.
How to win is obvious, but it's not going to happen with todays, or yesterdays leadership's policies. ( though Patton, Belisariaus, or Nimitz would be finished already. )
Thank the Brits & the Canucks and all the others, who fight for freedom. We are the very fraking few.