Huh, I was wondering what that motorcade was all about. They shut down the ramp onto I-90 from Bellevue Way for a few minutes. And when I saw the snow mobile(DeLorean) blow by, I figured Bill Gates got a new car or something.
I'm in the SCA ( a non-profit educational organization that does the middle ages & renaissance. Lots of arts & crafts stuff, martial arts, and history with an attitude.
They get a call from Make A Wish, A little girl wanted to be a Princess, could we help out?
So they took her to Pennsic, the largest SCA event. Hooked her up with a medieval pavillion, with power for the med equipment, garb for the parents and she was presented with a treasure chest of toys, clothes, etc. ( all hand made, some of these people have real talent ) was given a Princess's guard to escort her and help out, got tours and much respect.
Final touch was the Great Court and she was publicly crowned Princess of The War.
I saw her a few times, and got the story, so would bow as she passed, and helped a bit with small stuff.
The saddest part of many of these stories is the unhappy ending.
But. A little girl got to be a real Princess, entire armies saluted her, 10 thousand + people believed with her, and the respect and caring was very real.
the stories of the princess and electron boy have me all teary. I feel broken hearted and uplifted all at the same time. its nice to hear about the good things that people can do for one another, especially for kids that truly need a win like that.
Society NEEDS more stories like this during these troubling times. Excellent story! It's also good to see the Deadliest Catch boys haven't got too full of themselves and were willing to participate.