In honor of one of the funniest lines in "Knocked Up", my friends and I developed a code-language to describe them to eachother without women looking at us like we're a bunch of pigs even when we act like it. Thought I'd share.
She is very Smart= she has big boobs
she has a lot of personality= she has a lot of cleavage
she has an awesome sense of humor= he has a nice a$$
she has a lot of personality= she's dressed slu++y
her intelligence seems artificial= obviously fake boobs
Jobsite code used to be "what's that measurement?". It did get confusing when there where actual measurements to be had. Switched to "Get me that flux". Most wouldn't know about a lack of flux needed for siding.
Saw a show on Food Channel about an icecream / shake hut out on the east coast; known for a beach goers favorite. Their code word was 'Check Banana!' Which is 1) funny because they dont have a banana shake or icecream. 2) because well banana is just kinda phallic anyways. At the end of the show, the showed some of the banana girls.... yup, gotta love a beach in summer. (cant remember the name for the life of me, and I am too gd lazy to search it)