Goal #1 : The establishment of international economic order (cashless society) Goal #2: The establishment of a one-world government Goal #3 : The conquest and subjugation of two super powers (USA and USSR) Goal #4: The ascension of the United States of Europe as the dominant nation in a Confederated one-world government Goal #5: The ushering in of a supreme world leader to preside over the new unified One-world government Goal #6 : The establishment of a one-world religion which will coordinate all the world’s religions, cults, faith groups and spiritual beliefs under the guidance of Supreme Pontiff
All these goals are coming to fulfillment right before our eyes. We are now in the era of the “Debit Card System.” This is the final step before the cashless society(the system of the Antichrist). In January, 1999, the European Union has implemented its one currency unit for all the member nations, the EURO. The Euro will surely become the one world currency by which all other currencies are weighed until they cease to exist. One of the most distinctive feature of our generation is the tremendous rise in the wealth of rich nations while the third world countries become poorer each year. In Revelations chapter 6 :5,6 “When the Lamb broke the third seal, I heard the third living being say “Come!” And I looked up and saw a black horse, and its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand. And a voice from among the four living beings said, “a leaf of wheat bread or three loaves of barley for a day’s pay.”
If I was a military officer, and I went whack-job islamic, murdered a bunch of my fellow workers, the President would be very cautious about jumping to conclusions about me. Which, I admit, is wise of him.
He would be quick to call me misguided, and have his many minions in the press call me a Nazi, if I was to favor enforcing EXISTING laws, ones signed into law by the Ghost Hillary talked to, and Obama has often been compared to, F.D.R.
I know that they are his minions. I have heard, ( from a right wing talk show guy, so the info is suspect ) that Rahm & his crew get together and not only write the talking points for the news that day, but give them each morning to the "media". Perhaps. What is certain, is they almost all use the exact same words. The exact same phrases, from multiple "news" companies. Since the parrot line of the day is almost always the position of this regime, we know them to be Obama's "Smithers".
"papers" in a Hogan's Hero's context is the mantra last week.
The President speaks of Indeed, our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others. And that includes, for example, the recent efforts in Arizona, which threatened to undermine basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and their communities that is so crucial to keeping us safe.
So, my basic notion of fairness is that criminals will be protected if it pleases politicians who seek their votes, and take bribes from those who would exploit them? Not so much.
As to the trust in the police..... I believe it is far more damaged by selective enforcement by race than our ideal of a nation of laws, not men.
To expand, If I lived where criminals walk across my yard, steal my belongings, and am in fear for my safety, but the Police will do nothing, because the criminals are a protected class, ( because the politicians were bribed to keep the cheap labor coming ) My trust in the police would be severely eroded.
Knowing that a Mayor, or Governor, has decreed that the law will be broken when & by who he choses, and that I will be branded a Nazi for complaining about it, eliminates any respect I have for the corrupt, and dishonest ones in power.
I am, of course, for Immigration. All our ancestors, and many of us came here from foreign lands seeking streets paved with gold, or a mammoth to eat. After we became a nation, we started keeping track, badly, of who came here.
The existing laws need to be revamped to make it easier to come here as a proud seeker of freedom, and harder to come here as a slinking criminal desperate for life.
Amnesty with a "fine" that will be paid by, me, when the trespasser is broke, is not wise, or fair. What would be wise, or fair, seems not to be on this regime's mind.
I DO have sympathy for those who seek to live in a better land.
I note that many wish to come here.
I note that few wish to move to Iran. ( & the Sudan & &&&& )
I'm not condemning immigration. I understand why it happens, and I respect the determination it takes to do it.
However, I dislike when we "are all immigrants" because our ancestors came to this continent hundreds of years ago. We aren't all immigrants just as we aren't all slave owners because slavery happened at a time when our ancestors were living, just as I'm not a Nazi because I have some German lineage.
There are tons of great points one can make in a pro-immigration debate, thats why its tiring to see that same one over and over again when its pretty weak. Different times and circumstances cannot be universally applied.
The existing laws need to be revamped to make it easier to come here as a proud seeker of freedom, and harder to come here as a slinking criminal desperate for life.
"are all immigrants" yep and some of out ancestors came here legally.
If we catch some one crossing the Mexico border, we should send them Tapachula International in Babilonia, Chiapas Mexico. It is the most southern airport in Mexico and it will take a long time for then to try again.
What is the farthest northern airport that we can send people to when they try to cross the northern border?
Actually, we don't need an airport, we can push then out of a C-130 on a static line.
I happen to have an "Arizona" tea bottle right in front of me....
"MFD for Ferolito, Vultaggio & Sons Lake Success, NY 11042 USA Beverage Marketing USA Inc."
Below that, printed vertically on the label is "PRODUCT OF CANADA". There are a bunch of Canadians in a plant up north wondering "what the hell did we do?". I love these boycott sheep, do no research, just go with the flow. It's so easy, no thought required. It's no wonder we're in the pickle we're in with this "group think" going on.
GWB, really?? Wow, exited completely off the national stage for quite some time now........
The AZ law is spot on, kudos to the AZ for gettin' it done. It drives me nuts to listen to the talking heads talking about "racial profiling" and constitutionality and "draconian" and blah, blah, blah. We all (Citizens) have to provide evidence of our identity every day and it's somehow "draconian" to request ID from aliens (legal or not). The AZ law seems to have accounted for all the Constitutional points, Probable Cause for the law enforcement stop is required. The Supreme Court has upheld that it is reasonable to be required to provide positive ID when requested by law enforcement operating within scope of their duties and the law. Prez O's "papers" scenario with the family's ice cream outing is laughable if not for the sheeple eating it up.......
It's disturbing how DUMB & disinterested Americans as a whole really are. Our grandchildren are going to curse our very existence after growing up in the country we allowed to develop}....................
Seems like the mexican govt does not like the arms shipped from the US to Mexico. Killing to many of them, but they are not doing anything to stop there folks from coming here and sending all the US currency back to Mexico. Perhaps for each illegal we send back home we should strap a fully automatic assualt rifle to them and ship them back to Mexico. I wonder if the Mex gov.t then would find a reason to stop the illigeals from coming into the US and shipping drugs into our country?
Pso, the flow of arms from the U.S. to Mexico? Con job by the anti-gun nuts. Isn't noticeable. The Mexican gangs get their stuff either from the Mexican Military, or from China. Yep, you were lied to by the admin & "news" guys.
Besides, I can't own a fully automatic assault rifle without special permission from the BATFE. Why would I want to give them to illegals we deport? Give them to the people who live in the border states, now THAT might help.
Really hard for me to imagine that firearms are cheaper or more available above the border...........
With our laws, taxes, NIC system, etc.... really? I'd love for someone to show me the data on this farce. You can buy almost anything you desire in Mexico, including human beings, but guns are more readily available in the US huh? Yeah...
Really hard for me to imagine that firearms are cheaper or more available above the border...........
With our laws, taxes, NIC system, etc.... really? I'd love for someone to show me the data on this farce. You can buy almost anything you desire in Mexico, including human beings, but guns are more readily available in the US huh? Yeah...
I can tell you first-hand that Mexicans buy a lot of guns in America illegally, and smuggle them south.
However, a LOT does not equal MOST, and nowhere near 90%.
"there is more than enough evidence to indicate that over 90 percent of the firearms that have either been recovered in, or interdicted in transport to Mexico, originated from various sources within the United States."
Read the statement carefully. It says 90% of guns recovered in or interdicted in transport to Mexico.
This is NOT the same as 90% of ALL guns in Mexico.
Mexico is a smuggler's paradise, believe that. Our borders are wide open all the way around our country. It's a recipe for tax free profit to those bold enough to seek it. Bold or stupid... or both.