Well, we didn't invent crooked politics, but we sure have perfected it! Ignorance, nepotism, corruption, political favors, we have it all. Entertaining news for those who live elsewhere, but a fact of life here in Flatland.
To be fair, this kind of thing happened in ancient Greece, too. Power, pride, senility, insanity, whipping the mob into a frenzy..... etc. We're just the audience to an ongoing passion play.
Every generation thinks that it has it the worst. They do, too.
Pain and oppression is both a mass and very individual thing. I have no worries about nazi's coming for my Jewish customers. ( other folk, yeah, but not nazi's ) I have little worry about a 70 megaton fusion warhead detonating overhead where I work, while before Regan & Bush the Elder, that WAS a concern. ( if it wasn't a concern for you, you didn't know what was up. not living in a target zone, and I DID, had little to do with it. the ICBM's of the USSR would only probably hit in your state let alone where they were aiming, that cabin in the woods was as likely a ground zero as the Hawkeye Works, really. )
I'm worried about religious fanatics ruining everything, but I have no fear of hot pokers and Evil Inquisitors, as many had to in the past. Now I've got people who want to throw fake blood on me and ban steak. ( and charge me $9 a gallon for gas for my M2L )
We haven't perfected it, IMHO. But I really understand the sentiment.
if they continue to want to 'socialize and europeanize' America, what is the point of living here? When the guy at the top doesnt seem fit to follow the rule of the Constitution that separates us from all of the other nations on the planet, what is the point of being here?
Really. It saddens me to think that the best place to be capitalist is actually overseas. (and if you dont think that the enrollment and eligibility portion of this 'new' healthcare administration isnt headed overseas, you havent been paying attention.)