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Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 04:35 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Ok, I don't have any good stories about being pulled over and cited, but I do have a good one about two friends who got away with something 20+ years ago...

Friend #1 was cruising the mall one summer night on his race bike unbeknownst to friend number two--seven miles away.
Race bike was track ready, not at all street legal. No lights, slicks, race pipe, safety wire, stripped clean.

Friend #2 is relaxing at home with family and gets a suspicious feeling and goes outside to see what's up.
In the still of the night, friend #2 hears way off in the distance, a race bike, and then a siren.
He knows at that moment exactly what friend #1 is up to....the sound of the race bike is now six miles away...

Five minutes pass and race bike is loud in neighborhood coming quick up the unlit suburban street, siren's off now due to time and place, but pursuit cars are quickly approaching.
Friend #2 opens garage door, and friend #1 coasts race bike inside. Helicopter, search light, squad cars, immediately case the neighborhood, to no avail.

Apparently friend #1 road the seven miles to sanctuary using the pursuit vehicles headlights to light the way. Friend #1 walked home that night and left race bike in Friend #2's garage for a day.

Friend #2 road Friend #1's race bike all the next day unbeknownst to Friend #1.
Friend #2 bought the very same make and model race bike, brand new, a few months later.

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Posted on Wednesday, March 03, 2010 - 07:05 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Hmmm, NO time to type these all the way out but ...

I long beach after a night at my favorite bar... Pulled over on the way back to the shipyards. Buddy is even drunker than I am and offers to "Get Out And Run" so the cop will chase him. The cop, who was already at my window and I both encouraged him to stay put. Didn't go to jail, but got poped for 68 in a 25 and two failures to stop, all on one pretty piece of yellow paper. I've got a copy of it somewhere... Cost me about a grand.

Last one was in the middle of Oregon "Gettin er Done" Got pulled over. A few select State trooper quotes:
"You need to slow down, you need to slow down a LOT."
"I say you coming up on me, but you ANCHORED the breaks before I could get the radar up, Still got ya at 78."

Let me off with a warning, Zumo says I was at 103...
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Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 12:18 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

i've got a friend who got out of a ticket b/c she said she had chrones disease (which is somewhat true, but she didnt really have to go) the cop told her to hurry up and go find a bathroom haha
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Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 01:13 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

latest was on the 1125r the tag fell off a bit ago and hadnt gotten it replaced was headed to af riends place and was cruising along apparently for a while before i pulled over, no mirrors plus ipod... it was explained to me that the new fine in florida for no tag is $1142 however after checking things out we talked about riding and his sons sporty and i asked him if i could take the PD's motor class he said no and to have a good night with the caution that it's a slow night and they are on teh hunt next cop might not be so generous

there are many many more and even more than that i didnt get..
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Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 01:38 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

I'm 15 years old, and I'm riding my "new" 1976 Honda CB750F1... no helmet, shirt or gloves. Just boots, Levi's and sunglasses. Doing about 75-80mph in a 45. Split the lane through a red light, motor officer sitting right there. I turned to my right as I entered the intersection and he was in the front row just watching me blast through his once-peaceful intersection... soiling it with my very presence.

He's on the big KZ1000 of course and it will definitely chase down my 750. So as soon as I see him, he flashes a light at me so I just pulled right over and waited for him to come to me.

He gave me a stern talking-to... warned me not to ride like that in Long Beach or I'd get my bike taken away.

I had no license whatsoever, much less a motorcycle license. I blasted through a red light, wearing no protective gear whatsoever at reckless speeds between stationary cars waiting at the red light.

Cop watched me do it.

Cop let me slide.

That last thing has never to happened to me again in my life.
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Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 12:37 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Since I am no longer a Motorcycle Safety Rider Coach I will tell this one...This all happened when I was a rider coach and I still feel like crap to this day for doing it.

I was on my way home on a Saturday evening about 9:30 PM after teaching a class. I was on route 30 About 2 miles from the York/Gettysburg split. When a squid on a ZX9R started messing with me I was on my 140 RWHP 89 FT LB modified ZRX1200...Well needless to say my ego got the best of me. I dropped two gears and nailed it before the squid new what happened I had a small lead and saw him coming fast in my mirror. When we hit the first turn he braked I did not. And I had my lead back. As I came out of the turn I could see him gaining once again. But one more turn was coming and again he braked I did not...I was doing in the area of 150 MPH these were long sweeping turns...As we came out of the second turn we slowed down to talk about the rush we just had but could not hear each other. So I motioned for him to stop in middle of the the York/Gettysburg split to talk...We were sitting there for about 10 second when a car pulled up behind us. When it stopped the blue lights came on...That's when it felt like everything went into slow motion. I dropped my head and all that went threw my mind was...I just lost my license, my bike, my rider coach job and I'm going to jail with a huge fine to pay...After that quick thought, I looked up at the squid and he looked back at the cop and as soon as the cop got out of his car he bolted. The cop jumped back in to his car and went after the dude. I sat watching the cop chase the guy on the York exit and said to myself there has to be back up on it's way. Time to take the long way home and park the bike. I counted my blessing all night for that dude taking off like he did he saved me a ton of trouble.

Now the unbelievable part of the story the next day I was talking to my good friend. He was sitting on his neighbors (Who happens to be a West Manchester Township cop) porch that night drinking a beer and listening to his police scanner. He told me they heard a cop come over the radio asking for back up that he was chasing two bikes west bound on Route 30 heading towards the York/Gettysburg split and he was doing a buck 20 and losing ground to them. When I told him it was me. He said BULL$HIT...I said my Bike is in my shed and will remain there for a few weeks. Only after he asked me to go for a ride and I refused is when he believed me...Because I never refuse a ride.

His neighbor the cop said they could have gotten us on at least a half a dozen chargers...Racing on public road, over double the speed limit, reckless driving, Speed unsafe for conditions are just a few I can remember my buddy telling me.

Needless to say I have never went head to head with another squid or any one else for that matter on public roads again.
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Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 01:59 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Well didn't get pulled over this time, but it is still pretty funny..

Brother had a new to him mazda navajo. We where coming out of a small town here, on the main road. just changing from 45-55, but he had the cruise set at 60, but also had his foot on the accelerator, not paying attention, so we where probably going 70+. State Trooper coming the other way passes us, hits his lights and starts to spin around. My brother sees this, continues forward, speeding up a bit, pulls into the park and ride and comes to a skidding stop on some loose gravel in a spot, kills the engine and lights.

I hit him, going WTF are you doing? your going to get arrested for evading. He is like nah, we could just say where coming here to wait for a friend to go out. I look up, and the next row back in the corner are 2 more state troopers and the county sherrif hanging out talking (the barracks wasn't too far away.). I point, yep your dead...

The other trooper flies past the park and ride all lights and sirens. Gets on the interstate and flies first east. Then a bit later we see him come back west.

Our friends who where in front of us a bit, said they saw him pass, got a bit, hit the uturn and go back the other way..

My brother and I still laugh about it.
Never got a ticket or the like
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Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 02:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Early 70s on a 650 Yamaha twin, riding a divided highway on the gulf coast of Florida. My buddy and me were in the slow lane, poking behind a long line of traffic. I glanced over my shoulder, saw it was clear, downshifted and twisted the throttle. Ran the bike up to around hundred, felt better, then backed off to the speed limit. After a minute or so I realize there is a blue light coming up behind me and pull over. The deputy said I had pulled that stunt right in front of him. That he had got to 90mph and I was still pulling away. Because I was from out of county, he would have to arrest me and I would have to post bond. Me with two illegal cigarettes in my shirt pocket. Crap! Started talking about the slow traffic, on vacation, on the way to Key West, anything to get him to know me a little. After awhile he asked me if I could do the speed limit till I got to the county line. Sure! He followed me all the way.

In those days I was chased twice while riding bikes and got away both times.

I'm grown up now and a retired police officer.
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Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 04:17 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

On my SV650S in N Michigan on a 4 day ride.Stop in a small town to find a hotel.Put my stuff in the room and headed out for eats.Met a guy on a Z1000,he says lets go over to the next town for a beer so off we go,he's a madman.I look at my speedo it says 128.We get to the bar,I have 2 beers,he has at least 5 rum and cokes.
On the way back-same crap,my speedo says 130 and heres 2 highway patrols going the other way,I slamm my brakes and we both pull over.I got the sober tests and sent on my way with a warning.Go back to the hotel and see his bike come by on a flatbed.
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Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 10:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Back in the 70's I was riding my Yamaha DT1 250 enduro. The throttle was WFO and I was hunched down on top of the gas tank. Made it all the way to 65mph in a 65 zone. For some reason a Palm Beach Gardens (FL) cop got behind me and pulled me over. Now the bike was not exactly street legal, missing some stuff as I mainly rode it in the dirt. He let me off with a warning as long as I went straight home and stayed off the road. So I rode slowly toward home on the grass swale. Then as I got into the town of Lake Park a Lake Park cop pulled me over for riding in the swale. I tried to explain that I was told to stay off the road, but he said to get home, but stay off the grass and ride on the pavement. I got home in a hurry, luckily with only a couple of verbal warnings.
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Posted on Thursday, March 04, 2010 - 11:24 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

In high school, before the Fast and Furious had hit the screens. I was rocking my 91 240sx out on the streets. We got broke up on the west side of town and i was having a fun time getting back to our meeting spot. Got popped for 55 in a 35. Ticket and all as all my friends pass me. I could hear them laughing as they drove past. We met back up and then headed to another spot about an hour later. On the way to the new spot, which is about 45 miles from the previous spot, I get popped again, 95 in a 65. I hadnt even put my insurance, registration and license away. I hang it out the window in anticipation as the leo walks up.

"Mr. Hageman, I dont need that, I have it all from earlier"

All i can think is "Im screwed" 45 miles away and i get pulled over by the same cop! Within 2 hours of each other. Big fines that night.
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Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010 - 12:36 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

hahaha very nice spike!

this is a fun thread lol some of the things you've all gotten yourselves into hahahaha
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Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010 - 09:39 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

You know, for all the times we got caught there's 20 times we didn't.

Those are the best stories.
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Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010 - 05:15 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Christmas, England 1988. I played rugby w/a local LEO. After the game I had c25 miles to go to get home. Two pints of beer into my evening I informed said LEO that I was leaving as his fellow LEO's are being strict on potential DUI's. 20 minutes and 12 miles later I get pulled over. Two pints is close enough to get me near the legal limit.
The LEO approaches the car.
I get out ( this is in England)
I'm worried that I will fail a breath test.
LEO looks at me and says," A___ J_______ (my team mate) says Merry Christmas! (B****d!!!).
The LEO then sees me on my way.
Gotta love Law enforcement in the UK.
Chris C
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Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010 - 05:21 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Remind me to tell you about the twenty times my friend drove his dad's Jaguar when he was 13 years old before he got caught...
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Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010 - 05:33 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Not on my bike but. I'm 16 and my parents are gone out one night. Me and my 2 brothers decide we want to grab some stuff from the store to make nachos. So we head to walmart. The only vehicle at the house large enough for all of us is my dad's 3/4 ton truck with a full size plow on the front. I think ok I haven't driven with a plow on the front before but whatever. We get in the truck and head to walmart in the snow. We get there and as with any walmart it has a giant parking lot. So since there is snow on the ground I say watch this. I spin a couple donuts in the back part of the lot and then head to park. Then i see blue lights come on and a cop pulls out from behind a semi trailer parked on the other side of the lot. I get a good talking to and a "Town Ordinance" Ticket for misuse of power with a summons to court. So I go to court and end up paying $130 and go on my merry way.
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Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010 - 05:45 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

how about some stories from the other side from some of the leo's among us. they must get some great responses!
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Posted on Friday, March 05, 2010 - 10:08 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

'73 or so, I was on a '56 Pan, somewhat chopped, and a buddy on his hot-rodded Sportster. We had come down off the mountain to chase parts and were headed through Saugerties NY towards Woodstock HD, or maybe it was Joe Barber's '74 Shop' in Saugerties.

Cop pulls us over for the usual BS paper check as our bikes "were the same color as a reported stolen bike"
Yup - there must have been another black bike other than our black bikes, that was stolen. Go figure.
Anyway, he sees we're all legal and insured and titled and stuff.
So, in a stroke of genius, he decides to check my drag pipes for 'mufflers' and he sticks his middle finger into my rear pipe to verify my claim of having baffles.
Finger hits the baffle - the type that look like a piece of tubing someone took a canopener to.
We could hear the finger tip sizzle from 10' away, kinda like when you toss a ribeye on the BBQ!
Musta been running a little lean, 'cause that sucker was HOT!
LEO removes said finger, hands us our papers and told us everything's in order and we're free to go.
You can see the poor SOB doing everything he can to "maintain"!
I looked back after leaving and he was literally jumping up and down, shaking his hand and putting what was left of his fintertip in his mouth!
Probably started using his baton to check for baffles, after that.

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Posted on Saturday, March 06, 2010 - 01:08 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Saturday AM, Cage needs 4 new skins and fails inspection, the 3%'s "Know" about how Norcross Ga was back in '80.

So Im young, late for work sat AM about 7 and eating and driving as I turn onto Buford Hwy, WoooWoo blue lights, just as I finish my food.

I pull over then "Buford T Justice" walks up and says "Sir you inspection is expired", yes it was becasue I had to buy new tires next week I had the failing pink slip to prove it.

He then walks to the back of the car and orders me out, ??Whaaaaaat??
My room mate had borrowed it the night before and was known to have an ocasional left hand cig. As I walk back these facts are wandering through my head. this undoubedly plays out on my face ( to his delight )
He directs me to retrieve the bag on the console, He's standing there arms akimbo hand on gun.
"get the bag"...........the one with the suspicious white substance in it..

I reach in the window and close my hand arround the object.. as I slowly make my way back I open my hand except for my thumb and finger which are holding the ...

TOP OF THE POWDERED SUGAR DONUT BAG which is missing all doughnuts but has a fist sized ball of sugar. I calmly state "dough-nuts" Visualize before is Jacky gleason as "smokey" cause my "arse is gonna be barbQed In molasses" and after as "BARNEY FIFE" -- Aaaaaannnnnndy
the deflation was so tangable that I expected to hear Pffffffft as the hot air escaped ......
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Posted on Saturday, March 06, 2010 - 01:18 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

I am on my 12R visiting a friend at his house in Poinciana Fl. It was just after dark and another friend and I decide to head home. He is on a 07'GSXR 750 and leading the way. He drops it a couple gears and takes off. I watch him pull away, and finally I kick it a little to keep him from getting to far away. Well all of a sudden he hits the brakes hard and swerves to the left a little. There's no traffic so I figured there's something in the road,So I swerve to the middle of the road and about 100 yards behind him. About that time I see headlights and a blue light about 20 yards off the road. I didn't think, I just reacted. I blasted past him and about a quarter mile down the road is a 90 degree right turn. Not sure how fast I took it but he said he saw the sparks from my peg and he was still 200 yards from the turn. I had it wide open up about a mile and a half where he finally caught up, 30 seconds later the garage door was down...we saw the police drive by 3 times that next hour...took me about twice that to catch my breath. No ticket...but I lost about 10 years that night.

(Message edited by Zxzer04 on March 06, 2010)
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Posted on Saturday, March 06, 2010 - 07:10 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Here's a BadWeb related one, the pics are in the Storm Front archives somewhere.

I flew over to Newfoundland to go riding with Newfie & a bunch of other folks coming over from various parts of the US.

Anyway we took Newfie's Saab convertible & headed across the island to meet up with some of the gang coming up from Port au Basques.

Coming back, it's been crap weather & I'm driving the Saab with Iamike & his son Drew asleep in the back, Bill & his mate Mark are riding their bikes. Mark's gf is in the passenger seat with Newfie's new Canon digital.

So there's a nice bit of 4 lane & I nail it & tell the young lady to shoot the bikes as we go by, I'm knocking on about 130-140 kmh in a 110 & as we come round the curve having just passed the last bike, there's a Mountie sitting on the other side, he lights up & slings a u-ey. I pull over & the bikes go on by.

It's at this point I realise that all the docs are in Bills pocket & he's out of sight.

Fortunately for me when he came back & explained the situation I got off with a warning.

Still got the ticket somewhere.
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Posted on Saturday, March 06, 2010 - 08:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Speeding in Newfoundland is NOT smart. They have these three-quarter ton speed bumps with ANTLERS all over the place...
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Posted on Saturday, March 06, 2010 - 10:30 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

some here will remember this!

we were at march badness, about 12 of us were on our way back from the dragon to suches. we were actually being good, about 70 on a 4 lane road with little traffic or side streets. well "somebody" (karl) wicks it up from the back to show the superior power of the litre class kawi. of course we are all 12yr olds and rise to the challenge. it's perfect, no traffic, can see forever, rev limiter's bouncing along in 5th gear. the speed caused someones bungie bag to come loose so we pull over to adjust it. we're all excited (obviously), when all of a sudden a police car screeches to a halt behind us(he had been on a side road and just happened to see us go by a few miles back!). well he (cop) sure is pissed!
our lead rider is an illustrious badwebber who turns to me and say's "30 over is a mandatory night in jail here and northern "credentials" may not get us far, (with a smirk)we'll have a good time tonight and get some great stories out of it!"
he then goes off to talk the very excited officer who is asking how fast were we going! a voice from the back (who will remain nameless) shouts out "i was doin 120 and they were pullin away from me". i can see our lead riders shoulders slump and read his mind as he is trying to make a new friend, UGH!!!

after a fair bit of talk we are officially added to the local "bad boy list"(don't get caught here again for 12 months). due to cop technicalities he doesn't care if we are ticketed as long as his dept gets state credit for 12 stops. at this point his radio blurts out that they have a bike chase coming towards them from the nearby state line. this sealed the deal for us and off he went.

can't believe it! we are on our way and on our bikes not in the "wagon"! not even a ticket among us. we are all good little boys to the state line...

our "lead" rider doesn't pay for his beer that night!
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Posted on Saturday, March 06, 2010 - 10:42 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Lol and we were almost recruited into the clan that night too. Strange fellow I must say
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Posted on Saturday, March 06, 2010 - 10:53 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

damn, forgot about that!
the look on that clansman's face when george came out of the store was "priceless"! kept waitin for ashton kutcher to come out and say we'd been punked. that guy was straight from a bad movie!
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Posted on Saturday, March 06, 2010 - 11:35 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

I was stopped at an intersection on my S3 a couple years ago and a sheriff passed me, drove about 50 yards and turned around... I hadn't done anything wrong so when the light turned green I continued on my way, So i was surprised when he hit his lights and came up behind me! I turned of the bike, took off my helmet as he walked up... and he proceeded to say "Man, just wanted to check out your ride... I've been thinking about getting a Buell"
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Posted on Saturday, March 06, 2010 - 12:43 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Car story, Almost lost my license, coulda been detrimental to my Naval Career....

19, just got my 66 VW Bug outta the shop. We had put a 2176 cc in it, with Porsche 5 speed gearbox. The car was leightened for the track but still 'street legal' fiberglass everywhere you could, stripped interior, roll cage, racin seats, no stereo, and half the gauges didnt work....

Shop was in Seattle, I wanted to take it to Spokane to run the drags and Pinks against my friends Chevy (Chevelle 396)
8 in the morning, I head out, hit the mountain passes at 9, unwind it and see what the motor could do, 55 in 2nd @ 3K, really loving the motor and tranny combo. Yellow New Corvette comes up on my flank.. flashes the lights, I scoot over, and as he passes he flips me the bird. Old paunchy 40 something, notta gonna stand for that! So I drop it in 3rd, and hit it, damn thing runs like a slot car (lowered, new wide slick Pirellis) Hit fourth and spool the throttle to get even with him. We start to come down the mt pass, my speedo goes, oil press, and temp too, just have tach. Come down the hill,... and in the median, sitting under a "NO PARKING NO U TURN " sign is a plain white ford probe, custom wheels, dark windows.... my mind sees it, and I think why whould any one park there they gonna get..... COP! I shut it down. Put her in fifth and back off the gas, Corvette walks past me like I am standing still. I roll past the cop, still not sure how fast I am going, but I know I got nailed;... so I just pulled over, shut the motor off, about 400 yards from where he was parked.
He pulls in behind. License & Reg. Do you know how fast you were going?.... Honestly officer, I dont, I was driving by tach and keeping pace with traffic....

We clocked you from the plane in speeds in excess of 120... when you came over the hill you were doing 80 (only 15 over) that damn corvette was doing more than 100... He writes me the ticket for observed 120, with the radar ticket at 85. "Its a good thing you pulled over, theres a road block up a head for the both of you, and it aint gonna be pretty" Small town Jurisdiction/ State Patrol. I ask if I can go take care of this today? He said yep, gives me the address to the court house.... I wait a couple of hours to see the judge, I get up and tell the judge that I believe there was a mistake on the radar, and that a corvette blew bast me at over 100 mph, the radar must have been for him. Is the officer present. (NOPE) Son do you deny that you were speeding, Sir, with all due respect, I drive a VW Bug... Case dismissed, pay the bailiff for court time (35 bucks) As I was coming out of the court, the driver of the Vette was in cuffs and his Vette up on a low bow headed to impound.....I kept it mellow on the way home.
If you are driving through CLe Elum WA, 20 years later, the Staters still like that spot.
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Posted on Sunday, March 07, 2010 - 06:55 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

I was heading to back way to work in my 65 Impala SS Convertible, on the last day of school before Christmas Break, this was back in the 80's. On this route there was a school just around a really slow corner. it was about just before 1;00 and a damp day it had been sprinkling a little that day. I just got the car back from the body shop and still was in the playing phase with the new turbo 350 tranny with a shift kit installed, so i drop the car into low and as I exit the school zone I punch the throttle. the car spins up the rear tires hooks, barks second and right as i shift into drive and bark 3rd for the first time. I'm passing a side street with a cop rolling to the stop sign, I pull over instantly and wait for the cop. He asked me how fast I was going and why I told the carb was loading up and I had to blow it out. He goes to his car, comes back in what seemed like forever and tell me he is a father that lives in this neighborhood, did not have radar on me and he was late for a driver safety demonstration at a local school. I got an early Christmas present and I'm sure the kids got a fresh story about speeding. No Ticket No warning
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Posted on Sunday, March 07, 2010 - 08:04 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Some of our Long Island based brethren may remember in the mid 90's THE place to go to see and be seen was the Nathan's in Oceanside on Tuesday night. Of course, the more popular it got, the more "Fags" with straight pipes started going, revving their obnoxious bikes all the way. The people of Rockville Center (the town just before Oceanside) just about had it and had their police department and Nassau County PD set up roadblocks and "Safety Checks" to harass as many motorcyclists (i.e. ALL of them) as possible.

Anyway, I didn't own a Buell at the time, I had my bone-stock BMW R100RT. I was heading down Lincoln Avenue in Rockville Center towards Oceanside when I got stopped at one of these so-called "Safety Checkpoints."

The cop came over and gave me the schpiel about performing a "Safety Check" and checked to make sure all of my stickers were in place, and my paperwork was in order."

As he got down on his knees to stuff a hanger wire up my exhaust pipe, a cop in Sargeant stripes wandered over and said: "What the hell are you doing?"

The cop on the ground responded that he was making sure my baffles were in place. The Sargeant snorted and said: "Do you see what he's riding? These BMW guys don't do that shit."

I was kinda wondering why he was bothering... couldn't he HEAR how quiet my bike was? Or maybe he couldn't over the sounds of all the "Fags" in the area.

Anyway, the cop handed me back my paperwork and waved me through. I LOVE telling this story; thanks for reminding me of it!
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Posted on Sunday, March 07, 2010 - 07:57 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Going to Daytona at the last minute....
Driving 80 plus for most of the trip....
Getting pulled over in VA for 83 in a 65

and getting a ticket for faulty equipment... LOL

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