The Russians really need to stop complaining about losing. It's getting to be a little much. Blah Blah Blah We deserved it. Blah Blah Blah the American can't do a quad Blah Blah Blah the Canadians can't dance. I mean really? How many years did the rest of the world get absolutely screwed by either the Russian or East German judge. I mean seriously it used to go something like this
The fate of free world society and the halt of Communist aggression comes down to the couples short program....
Up next, David Hasselhoff and Katerina Wit a power house to be contended with. Skating to the Winds of Change by their home country favorites, the Scorpions, Lets watch as they capture the world stage...
We should really just disband the military and focus on our skating prowess. THAT} will change the world.