I agree that the figure skating may be strenuous and it takes a lot of skill and all. So it's judged just like, say... snowboard halfpipe, right? And your required to do certain things, right? So why do they have to wear the frilly gay outfits and do all the 'skate backwards in a figure 8 and wave your arms around like a ballerina' nonsense in between the really hard jumps? Dress 'em like all the other winter sports and do the moves! Then I might call it a sport.
btw, my wife just asked me what 'skeleton' was. I told her it was like luge but you gotta have bigger nuts cause you go head first.
frilly gay outfits lol How about it gets changed to have a new "Don't ask don't tell" unspoken rule!!
The snowboard outfits were monkybuttfk ugly and carrot-top needs to cut his mop.
You say... "it is not a big deal" (the long hair) I say: so then... CUT IT!
More imho: If it doesn't have a ball/object everyone uses, it is not a sport!! lol!! However,.. You may call it a sporting "event". Nascar = event Indy500 = event figure skating = event motorcycle racing = event (sorry) lol golf = event (too many balls at play)snowboarding = event Basketball = sport baseball = sport soccer/football = sport Hockey = event (no ball) j/k volleyball = sport ping-pong = sport kickball = sport
skiing = sport (mainly just because I like it in all forms)
I'll have to only partially agree with you. Your right about the 'sports' but I think most of the racing is 'competition' instead of 'event'.
I think of things like golf, ping-pong, horseshoes, bowling, etc as 'games'. Mainly because you can drink beer while doing them and not significantly hinder your performance.
I know, here come the NASCAR and beer remarks. But only the spectators are drinking during the competition.
yea "event" may not be the correct wording... but you get the idea. in all seriousness... I only bring it up for fun and i am half joking. (but in a serious kinda way) lol
"There are only three sports: bullfighting, motor racing, and mountaineering; all the rest are merely games."
This is one in a long list of quotations mysteriously attributed to Ernest Hemingway. While the general public seem to agree that this is in fact a Hemingway quotation, scholars have some reservations and for good reason. The early Hemingway did not believe that bullfighting was a sport. For him it was a tragedy. See his October 20, 1923 article titled "Bullfighting A Tragedy" reprinted in By-Line: Ernest Hemingway Selected Articles and Dispatches of Four Decades edited by William White. Hemingway reiterates his beliefs regarding the tragedy of bullfighting in his 1932 book, Death in the Afternoon.
In July of 2006, Gerald Roush, a visitor to Timeless Hemingway, provided a possible source for the "three sports" quotation. He cited a story titled "Blood Sport" by Ken Purdy, which originally appeared in the July 27, 1957 edition of the Saturday Evening Post. The story is reprinted in Ken Purdy's Book of Automobiles (1972). Gerald provided a scan of where the quotation appeared and it reads as follows: " 'There are three sports,' she remembered Helmut Ovden saying. 'Bullfighting, motor racing, mountain climbing. All the rest are recreations.' " Gerald noted that the character of Helmut Ovden is modelled after Ernest Hemingway. This could explain why the quote has been so widely attributed to Hemingway over the years.
In May of 2007, Rocky Entriken wrote to Timeless Hemingway with another possible author of the "three sports" quotation: "As I am told, the quote belongs to Barnaby Conrad, a writer of the same era as Hemingway and a San Francisco raconteur of some note. Mostly he did magazine articles but his books include The Death of Manolete. My source is Dan Gerber, yet another writer of the era." http://www.timelesshemingway.com/faq/faq5.shtml
Who cares what figure skaters wear? Does it really matter? They are pushing the envelope of what is humanly possible to do. What I don't really like is the fact that doping can still be gotten away with... did you see the size of Paerson's thighs?
Yeah, Paerson's thighs were un-natural looking. She looked like Grimace in a rubber suit. After that fall the other night, they may be bigger from bruising and swelling. Did you see it? Rough...
All I know is, I was sorry to see the Chinese lose to the Russians in Women's Hockey. But that's not really a thing, 'cause I still dunno who the underdog was in that fight.