The rest of the net is full of lefties. Don't like the red tinted outlook of BW, you probably passed any number of blue tinted bulletinboards on the way here.
Thanks to BO I think that is changing rapidly, at least amongst the real people. Even the bluest of blue states has just elected a republican to represent them.
"speaking directly to the American people about what their core values are"??? You don't speak to the people about what their values are, you listen to the people to find out what their values are. More proof of BO's elitism where he know what's best for the people. Just listen up and he will explain what values you need to have. His presidency is a disaster so far and he is still blaming GWB. His 'stimulus' has failed to do what he claimed, no surprise considering the bulk of the money gets spent in years yet to come. The TARP bailouts have proven to be a fiasco. Now he wants to tax banks that paid back with interest to pay for the GM/Chrysler bailouts. Freddie and Fannie get a pass however. He has broken almost every campaign promise he has made, most notably changing the way government is run. Even Biden has had closed meetings on 'transparency'. Health care debates on C SPAN! LOL!
You guys want your own badweb sub forum where you can beat up conservatve women, gays and blacks or blue color working folks who didnt study liberal philosophy and who want to keep government out of their lives?
You got a link?
(Message edited by speedfreaks101 on January 20, 2010)