Just to be brutally fair about this, some farmers are doing something about it. They're collecting the gas given off in the cowshed & also from the cowflop, which is methane mostly by the way, then compressing it to run a motor that drives a generator. they then sell the electricity back to the power company.
A very green solution, but so far few & far between.
It's interesting to see how the data is being adjusted. It's amazing to see how a warming trend can be made from a cooling trend. This is the kind of temperature "adjustment" that really needs to be explained in detail so that it can be debated openly. Right now we are just expected to blindly accept the adjustments have merit. This isn't science.
Here's the full story. This is VERY similar to the adjustments that CRU was doing where they have "lost" the original data. Interesting that GISS seems to have lost the part of the data where it was much warmer over a century ago.
From the 1880's to the 1930's the thought in the plains was to chop, burn, & plow. The more they did this the thought was that it would rain more. Then 1929 hit and no rain. During that same time of plowing we had decrease in sun activity.
With all of the information out there I still believe that there trying to still B/S us with smoke and mirrors. Now they are saying that the sun has nothing to do with it?
* 10. Rorschach tests * 9. Paper cutout dolls * 8. Make funny hats * 7. Confuse Al Gore * 6. Paint people as less than human * 5. Confuse Al Gore * 4. Cause thousands of species to go extinct just by saying they're extinct * 3. Cause polar ice caps to melt without them actually melting * 2. Make fudge
And, the number one thing you can do with climate data: Scare the hell out of billions of people for no good reason.
Note: Climate "justice" is neither. If they want justice, and there are no courts or LEO involved, it's vigilantism, or communist ideology falsehoods to stroke the heartstrings, while concealing the truth. PERIOD.
I like the child credit idea. Give me my fat money check. I promise not to have them. Comedy Central was running "Idiocracy" over the weekend. Funny. Sad.. Too True
Their number one show was Kicked in the Balls....And now from reality TV, Its only funny when it happens to somebody else... a full half hour of getting kicked, hit, socked and pummelled in the nads. ... Gawd bless our Jack A$$ Nation.
Well, that was on the "violence channel" what do you expect? If you don't like it, flush your chair and look at a different part of the screen. Oh, and Shut Up!
Jim It was strange to see the snow all over Danville. And going over kirker pass. I drave around Claybon blvd and all the cars coming down covered in snow, freaky. Sorry fellas but it's rare that we see the white stuff with out driving to it..
I've been trying to find the video of a U.S. congresscritter saying, ( and I don't QUITE have the exact quote ) "it doesn't matter if the science is right, we have to go ahead( and fix it )"
Anybody know the exact quote? A link to a vid would be great, thank you.
I can't believe I can't find that quote. I remember it being said withing the past few months, but I'm pretty sure it was before Climategate.
There are some similar quotes though.
“No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.” Christine Stewart Canadian Environment Minister Calgary Herald 14 Dec 1998
“The data don't matter. We're not basing our recommendations [for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions] upon the data. We're basing them upon the climate models” Chris Folland UK Meteorological Office
I predict that within two years we will see the world community desperately "managing" the next crisis: "Coming Ice Age" CIA has always struck fear in the hearts and minds of those crazies in the "developing world"
The USA will be required to transfer Trillions of dollars to this developing world to allow them to eliminate the generation of particulates that have to be causing this "CIA".
By the time we begin to take them seriously the cyclical warming trend will have begun. Y'all have a Merry Christmas.
There is no crisis so large that it cannot be solved with massive infusions of cash from the USA, most of which will be stolen and deposited in secret bank accounts by the leaders of those countries needing that cash.
Jim Hanson of NASA and doctored data fame is working on real science
I wouldn't be so quick with that conclusion.
"Both studies that have modeled this air-mass movement, along with examinations of soot levels in cores of ice drilled from the glaciers, have shown that soot likely has a strong effect on the climate and warming in the region."
Models will give what ever answers you ask them to. The will even tell you polar bears are dieing when their numbers are actually growing. These folks have a very bad history using models to prove junk science.
Having said that I'm willing to let an honest scientific process happen with this theory. Anyone want to take odds on whether or not their data and computer code will be available to skeptics of the theory?
One of the first signs that "global warming" is a hoax is when the answer to heating ( 1990's) and cooling (1970's & 2000's ...though they are not admitting the 2000's yet ) is the same.
Take money from the "rich" and give it to the "poor". Make a world government that is not answerable to the people. Rule with an iron fist "for their own good".
Come to think of it that's also the "answer" to America, capitalism, western civilization, and freedom.
The brits call these people "watermelons" green on the outside, red on the inside. Great definition, wish I'd thought of it.
Oh yeah, the Goricle said that the latest email hacked from Anglia U is 10 years old. Is last November already that far away? Also at Copenhagen, he claimed the north polar ice caps would be gone in a few years...... I'm pretty sure he doesn't know that open seas in fall in the Arctic may lead to ice age conditions in the northern hemisphere as moisture laden air piles up snow in Eurasia & America. That would be inconvenient.
“The answer to global warming is in the abolition of private property and production for human need. A socialist world would place an enormous priority on alternative energy sources. This is what ecologically-minded socialists have been exploring for quite some time now.” Louis Proyect Columbia University
“Isn't the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?” Maurice Strong Head of the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro
“Self-evidently, dangerous climate change will not emerge from a normal scientific process of truth seeking.” Mike Hulme University of East Anglia The Guardian 2007-03-14
And one of my all time favorites...
"On the one hand, as scientists we are ethically bound to the scientific method. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well. To do that we need to get some broad based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, means getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest." Stephen Schneider Stanford University
I've been trying to find the video of a U.S. congresscritter saying, ( and I don't QUITE have the exact quote ) "it doesn't matter if the science is right, we have to go ahead( and fix it )"
Anybody know the exact quote? A link to a vid would be great, thank you.
Aesquire, I think this is the quote you were looking for. Haven't found video of it yet.
The quote is from former Democratic Senator Timothy Wirth.
We’ve got to ride the global-warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy.
Similar quote from Canadian Environment Minister Christine Stewart.
No matter if the science is all phoney, there are collateral environmental benefits.... climate change [provides] the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world.
Another similar quote from Richard Benedik.
A global climate treaty must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the greenhouse effect.
I like this one...from a guy with his own Bison herd. Quote by Ted Turner, billionaire, founder of CNN and major UN donor: “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.”
Quote by Chris Folland of UK Meteorological Office: “The data don't matter. We're not basing our recommendations [for reductions in carbon dioxide emissions] upon the data. We're basing them upon the climate models.”
As I have said, I believe MY computer model is more correct. It's scenario is that I'm the Master Chief and must save the planet from aliens. I believe this to be a very accurate model as it shows me getting killed pretty much right away, which is what any rational theory would tell you is most likely.
Quote by Michael Oppenheimer, major environmentalist: "The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can't let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization, we have in the US. We have to stop these Third World countries right where they are."
This poor moron doesn't realize China has no intention of returning to their pre-industrial days. They are going to roll right over him. If he lives long enough he might find himself swinging from a tree in Tiananmen Square.
I often said, ( around the campfire, after a few scotch's ) that "IF you buy the Global warming scam, you can't allow China to have 2 billion SUV's. The only way to stop that would be nuclear war, which then solves global warming with nuclear winter."
I meant that as a thought provoking satire. ( nuclear winter is unproven & was greatly pimped as a con to keep away nuclear war.... )
There are 2 1/2 religions out there meaning to conquer the world. Radical jihadist islam. Communist/environmental anti-capitalist Greenies & Reds.
I'm not converting. But I am putting window film up today.