Posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 - 10:33 am:
Thanks for the book info, appreciate it ---- Edit: From the freedictionary online:
reveille [r??væl?]n1. (Military) a signal, given by a bugle, drum, etc., to awaken soldiers or sailors in the morning2. (Military) the hour at which this takes place Also called (esp US) rouse[from French réveillez! awake! from re- + Old French esveillier to be wakeful, ultimately from Latin vigil?re to keep watch; see vigil]
I assume that the "Reveille ..." book is different than the "Rules ..." book, or is it just a retitle?
Any other recommendations besides the Goldberg book?
----- ----- Edit again: Reveille for Radicals was apparently published in 1946. Hmmm, if I knew about it then I forgot about it. Current events based on decades old plans, amazing that people are still caught by surprise.
As to the Trial, I'd wager it will end up in a World court outside of the U.S. , and I suspect the suspects already have their dinner table reserved for when it is all over. There will be an empty chair at the table reserved for a key player in the plan who won't be able to attend due to other appointments.
And please don't mis-read me, I think they should have remained in Gitanamo (sp?), with a military trial an eventual option. Too many international aspects of the case to give it a full run in a constrained civilian court.
as much as i think putting this trial in a civilian court is purely political idiotic idea , i am probably going to make enough money in overtime to buy my uly a friend. so thanks B.O for my future cr
Rules For Radicals, Saul Alinsky, pub'd 1989 (might be the same books, or not?)
The Activist's Handbook, Saul Alinsky (?), pub'd 2001
Saul Alinsky died in 1972.
Alinsky's books are about power to the people. Government of the people, by the people and for the people. I thought that idea was what America was supposed to be all about. I consider the "trickle down" idea of multi-national corporations holding all power in America and the American people holding none to be the truly radical idea.
Actually it's power to some very few people. Using the people to take over a Democratic society & make it a "workers paradise".
To sum up the books. It's how to lie your way into power by con, intimidation, and lie lie lie. You know, so people like M2me think it's a good idea. Stalin called these people "useful idiots". How many people did Stalin murder?
I do agree multinational corporate governance is way worse than what America is supposed to have.
When did getting people together to urge a powerful entity (government, corporation, etc) to change its behavior become a bad thing?
I read "Rules" 30 years ago, and didn't perceive any advice on how to lie, intimidate or cheat. It was more like how to tell the truth until it embarrasses whoever has been screwing you and convinces them to cease screwing you.
When did getting people together to urge a powerful entity (government, corporation, etc) to change its behavior become a bad thing? I dunno? ask the media who love to call people like that "teabaggers" when they don't agree with the media's leftist college professors, and "brave citizens that speak truth to power" when they agree.
Well, it was back in high school, ( bikes were powered by steam ) and it was on the recommended list from the Communist Party of America. So, perhaps I forget the wise parts.
I remember the primary techniques, though I have never done them well. One trick ( you see this one a lot, lately ) is when the facts of an argument don't fit your agenda, personalize the opposition then attack their character. Hence the bile heaped on those they ( those who behave this way ) dislike, especially when they are losing an argument because facts don't bear out their side.
Best example is the "global warming" con men who call those who question them "deniers" and enemies of mankind.
But I remember the book as interesting, and a better explanation of "dialectic materialism" than most. It's not like you can't get a copy from the library and look.
Check for me, would you, is it still dedicated to satan?
...amazing that people are still caught by surprise.
Not really, those who pay attention knew what was going on. Those who approved of the actions sure aren't going to complain, and those who are ignorant are legion. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.
I dunno? ask the media who love to call people like that "teabaggers" when they don't agree with the media's leftist college professors, and "brave citizens that speak truth to power" when they agree
The tea party movement was founded, organized and financed by multi-billion dollar corporations. That is not citizens speaking truth to power. That is power telling citizens what to speak. Saul Alinsky would have considered the tea party and 912 movements as a twisted joke, which is exactly what they are. They are Lonesome Rhodes fan clubs.
Oh, and by the way, the media is conservative. It always has been. The "liberal media" is a myth that is kept alive by the conservative media. They tell you that slightly right of center politicians like Clinton and Obama are "socialists" so that you will think that far right politicians are "moderates".
It is a matter of perspective. Of course, a Socialist such as m2me would view the media as conservative. Luckily, the majority of Americans see the media for what it is: a leftwing apologist for Obama and a supporter of the Socialist agenda of Congress.
m2me is an admitted Socialist so take anything he says with a proverbial grain of salt. Socialists are practically kissing cousins of Communists but are too afraid to admit it. That is why Stalin branded them as "useful idiots". Their corrosive anathema to freedom and liberty is a dangerous thing.
Other than previous fringe media, radio talk shows, the few right wing types with their own tv shows, where IS the right wing media?
Fox news? I regard them a bit left of center. NBC? way left, right about the che loving college professor level. NPR? Thinks Stalin was too conservative, & they could do it much better.
Now "other than news" shows, Kieth Uberman, Bill Oreally, etc. are not so much media as entertainment. I don't enjoy Kieth, you may not enjoy Bill ( I don't either ) but they get ratings & ratings sells soap. Lefty talk radio seems to get down to screaming insults, and righty tends to be a lot of "I never knew others agreed with me", and, doom & gloom about the govt. Usually fully justified.
Even NASA has been a joke since we abandoned space after Apollo. ( gee, thanks Congress ) Only these morons could make going to the moon boring.
We can all agree, I think, that when the govt. does some freedom intrusive thing, that whoever says "if you're not guilty you have nothing to worry about" A: is in the tank for the current idiots, and... B: would be on the other side of the argument if they don't like the current idiots, and.... C: never thinks what would happen when the inevitable happens & the OTHER guys get into power with the new anti-freedon rules they are supporting.
The tea party movement was founded, organized and financed by multi-billion dollar corporations.
Source? Proof?
I have a couple acquaintances that get full time salaries and benefits to be professional activists for liberal PACs (PETA and Cal-Pirg.) I also interacted with several more on a regular basis when I was in school who were with everything from the DNC and MoveOn to the ACLU. Most were honest about their employment and I really have no problem with this (as long as they're honest...), but...
Not a single person I've interacted with in the so called tea party movement was getting paid a dime. They've all been ordinary people taking time off work, and giving their own money for something they cared about. I'm not saying the professionals don't exist; I just don't know of any.
At worst, the tea party movement is no more 'astroturf' than MoveOn and co.
Until they start seizing stuff and dumping it in the harbor, it might as well be internet porn. The government will do what it always has, as long as we let them.
Just a note about the Tea Parties. The signs, for the most part, were homemade.
The opposition, primarily through the SEIU, all had professionally printed signs that everyone passed around to showcase exactly how personally they felt what was bold-face typed on them.
Posted on Wednesday, December 02, 2009 - 09:47 pm:
Don't confuse them with facts. Deep corporate conspiracies are more fun than admitting to alliance with progressive manipulators, that fooled you into thinking I mean Feeling, they are great while they exploit you for their own gain. ( they of course, will read that backwards )
Again, what's the positive side of the NYC show trials?