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| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 11:10 am: |
I joined HOG and and went to my first chapter meeting last night. Becoming a member is the routine for taking part in our rider's group, so I was really looking forward to it. I left with a sour taste. I wore my group shirt proudly, at the buffet before the actual meeting, only to have smirks, laughs and odd "wtf is he doing here" looks. I shrugged it off as ignorance (what do they know, I own a VRod). Then was the meeting itself. It was like any other meeting with officers giving their schpeel about this and that. But when the owner of the sponsoring HD dealer came up, guys were lambasting him for cops leaving their post during a group ride and some members getting parking tickets at the Milwaukee Rally. Here's a guy who contributes thousdands of dollars...possibly more than that and the ungreatful Faithful rips him for things out of his control? It was then that I began to think of how appreciative the Buell riders have been at every gathering I've been to. Homecoming, events at Hal's the museum. Be thankful for the people at Buell and the family of riders you belong to. Buell may be in the HD family, but its riders are far classier people. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 11:14 am: |
Walk into a pig lot and expect to smell shit. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 11:14 am: |
my brother used to be active with hog over in huntsville al. of course he got fed up with the penney anti bs that went on there. that's one reason why i don't get involved with the hd crowd. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 11:24 am: |
All, I been a HOG member since 95 and have never attended a local meeting. I live in the greater St. Paul, MN area. Realized I like my own riding group better than a conglomerate group of people I wouldn't usually associate with. Started attending Homecoming in 04 with my son and his Lightning and found a new "family" to hang out with. I still ride a harley and have have been accepted with only a little loving crap. Hey someday I'll have my 1125 and I'll keep the Deuce as well. Truely enjoy Erik, the bikes and my new family. Greg |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 11:24 am: |
you gotta get a "REAL" bike.... I was the Director of our local chapter for 2 years.... It wasn't that fun.... You should do it this way.... You should do it that way.... Can you lead a ride to Rolling Thunder.... no one shows up for the ride... I don't ride in the rain... That's to far... I'm cold... (no helmet w/fingerless gloves) I need to stop for a smoke... (every 45 minutes!!!) Gas stop.... pee.... eat... smoke... talk... stand around... I don't need gas yet... 30 miles later... I need gas lot of nice bikes... not a lot of nice riders... |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 11:26 am: |
oops, wrong thread (Message edited by slipknot on October 08, 2009) |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 11:55 am: |
| just outlined why, for the most part, I avoid group rides except with people I know well. There is nothing more frustrating than having a great day to ride ruined by group think. I always say, "There is no such thing as a group ride, only group destinations". |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 11:55 am: |
Too bad about HOG. I have a Streetglide, and I like it. I tried HOG and it was a huge "fail" for me. I didn't understand the folks there, and they did not "get" me either. Think it had something to do with the fact that my full face helmet seemed to un-nerve them. Different strokes for different folks. Riding the X1, I have met a lot of folks that really seem to enjoy riding, no matter the name on the tank. Those are the kind of folks that I enjoy. The kind of folks that will suddenly decide to take the long way to some destination. The kind of folks that fill up the gas tank BEFORE they meet up to ride. The kind of folks that don't care what you ride, just that you ride, and are out to have fun. Hang in there, ride your rig, be happy, and you will find your own "group". Then the fun starts! And last but not least, I cannot believe I overlooked Buells for so long, but glad I found them! FUN! |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 12:25 pm: |
Lately, I've been hanging around the clubhouse of a local, unaffiliated club. I'm not much of a joiner so I just hang around and they don't mind because I was introduced by a friend of mine who is a member. They all ride Harleys and are mostly older, ex-hardcore types. Most of them REALLY ride. A lot. I'm looking forward to going on one of their rides in the near future. So far I've only shown up on the Road King and I expect to get some mild crap when I come on the M2 or the Norton, but they don't seem like the type to get their shorts in a bunch. So far, I like it. HOG? Not so much. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 12:30 pm: |
Greg, We just pretend to put up with your Harley loving a$$... you know out of respect for elders.
You missed a good time at Slimey Crud tho... |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 12:52 pm: |
I tried to hang with a HOG chapter when I was riding the X1 and the Moto Guzzi I had, but it didn't last long. I talk about the HOG chapters at the end of the BRCs I teach. That's all the support I give them. K |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 01:20 pm: |
Char...... About time that I've earned something!!! So, how old are you???? Hey I just thought it was sympathy and my cash!! Greg |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 01:30 pm: |
I was part of the local HOG chapter back in FL. Surprisingly I only for the loving crap (friendly jabbing, nothing more) about my XB. I gave it back to them. I enjoyed the group and the rides. My parents are still with them, but not at active as then as with time things change. My parents enjoy riding with the group of friends they've made from the HOG club and I enjoy meeting up with them when I'm home. I guess it just depends on the area. I've had good and bad meets with all kinds of clubs and groups of people. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 01:30 pm: |
Trackdad, Never ask a women there age. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 02:25 pm: |
Greg, I have not seen any of your cash myself?!?!?! I am 22 years old, I turned 22 on October 2nd... check the "Its My Birthday" thread I posted... that PROVES my age... Ha ha ha ha... Anyhow, please let me know if any positions do turn up at your workplace for environmental science as it sound like a lot of fun up there. Char
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 04:40 pm: |
Char........ I sure will! |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 04:49 pm: |
+1000 Chadhargis! The main reason my wife and I usually ride by ourselves. |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 07:40 pm: |
I aint into parades HOG = Leo Sayer Buell = |
| Posted on Thursday, October 08, 2009 - 08:17 pm: |
I joined HOG in '94. My chapter has got alot of good folks. I used to be 100% Harley, then was bitten by the Buell bug. They respect that. Some members stand around my bike checking it out and asking questions, and others don't seem to care. I don't do very many group rides because of our different riding styles, but I look forward to riding my Uly to Rolling Thunder next year with the group. |
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 05:12 am: |
I never attend any clubs on a regular basis, but once in a while I'll swing by one just for kicks. Only because it's fun to keep an eye on the parking lot and see a crowd gather around my tuber while all of the 500miles/year $30,000 choppers get no attention. After the last "free food" day at the local HD-only dealer, one of the chrome and leather crowd told me my X1 was nice "for a girls bike". Then the light turned green. I wonder how he felt watching my little girls bike speed away on one wheel.. Tubers are a disease. They ooze this cocky attitude-inducing pheromone or something. |
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 05:13 am: |
on a sidenote.. it's always fun to wear this to the chrome and leather type gatherings..
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 07:44 am: |
"NICE" |
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 09:11 am: |
HOG used to be a great organization in the 80s. It is a great deal for a dealership and I have seen some great things happen. I know some people in the local group but I have the same impression as most. I do not really like parades or riding with 500 people I do not know. However, if that is their thing them more power to them. I got one year free membership when I bought Lynn's Nightster and we had to use the "tow to nearest dealer" option when Lynn's fuel pump regulator gasket went out. It worked well. I was kind of surprised that there was a National Level fee and a local chapter fee. |
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 02:02 pm: |
I rode with a local HOG group a couple of times when I first got my Fat Boy. Man, what an odd group. First ride was a long boring 15 bike parade to a nice Italian joint for lunch.. Then back on the same roads. The next (last) was a more 'adventurous' ride. The 'Captain' promised all kinds of back road fun and even solicited ideas from the group. I suggested a 'Tag Team' ride, which I'd implemented with a group that I was Sr. RC with. After I explained it to them (they'd never heard of such a thing) we were off. 4 lane slab for 20 miles. Pulled in at a gas joint, next leg was 15 miles on 2 lane highway. Then they tapped me. Knowing where I was helped a lot and off I took them on a little jaunt through some roads I know. Halfway through a great run I've used several times (about 15 miles of turns, views, hills etc.) I was tagged by the HOG RC to find a stop. They were all terrified of the roads I'd chosen, I got yelled at for twenty minutes for being 'insane' and 'trying to get people killed' etc. etc. etc. .. Most of these roads are used by folks every day to get to their homes and I've seen large trucks on them.. But, they were unsafe for motorcycles at any time or speed? Once I explained to the HOG RC how to get home, he ignored me and used a GPS on his Ultra to find the nearest highway. They informed me that I needed to attend their rider orientation before being allowed to ride with them again. I've yet to attend that orientation thing.. I was the Senior Road Captain for my local Souther Cruisers chapter for years. Never had a problem. I would announce a ride. At the appointed time and date, we'd head out. Simple rules for the ride and RC's... 50 minutes or 50 miles of small roads and a short stop. 90 miles or 90 minutes of bigger roads.. and a stop. After that, it was all good. Never more then 100 miles without a gas stop for the smaller tanks that may need it. If someone couldn't figure out when to fuel up.. Then we'd just tell them where the next stop would be and they could meet up with us there, if they could get there.. Or, we'd drop a captain and lead them to the next stop on the big roads to catch up with the group. The time rule was set in stone. Everyone who rode with us knew it and lived with it. Simple. |
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 02:19 pm: |
I got yelled at for twenty minutes for being 'insane' and 'trying to get people killed' etc. etc. etc. Yeah what are you trying to do? You know we can't lean these bikes. It might scuff the chrome. There was arguing on an hd forum the other day over the dragon and crazy crotch rocket riders. How they should go to a track cause that's a scenic road. It was countered by a comment that a road with that many turns should have your attention on the job of riding not gawking. |
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 02:23 pm: |
I need that t-shirt. |
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 02:40 pm: |
I guess what turns me off at most HOG rides is the emphasis on bar stops and drinking... I think in the seven years on my Buell, riding with BRAG and Brew City I have seen someone have a beer once or twice... never felt good around crowds of drinking bikers... not to mention the chain smoking which makes me gag... |
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 04:53 pm: |
Agreed. And while I have no first hand knowledge, reading between the lines suggested that on one of the Buell enthusiast rides that *did* involve some drinking and riding, somebody didn't come back Between Beer poisoning and testosterone poisoning, group rides have to be people I *really* trust... or just people with predefined meeting points. |
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 05:17 pm: |
There is nothing wrong with a watering hole stop for lunch and a beer A BEER not 10 there is a huge difference. |
| Posted on Friday, October 09, 2009 - 05:20 pm: |
where can i buy that shirt? |