Posted on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 - 04:09 pm:
I really wish the CIA would do an out reach program to these poor disenchanted extremist so that they all learn to blow them selves up in place. 72 Virgins, no waiting, apply today.
Posted on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 - 06:28 pm:
The "news" media is so useless. So much for multicultural understanding. The "virgins" in the Koran are houris, ( not whores you blaspheming ones ) perfect angels that are eternally virginal, and serve you with a submissive way not usually found outside the black rose. You also get perfect manhood without chafing or the need to call a doctor after 4 hours. Also, you can drink without a hangover, do other drugs forbidden in life, and eat all you want without getting full or fat.
You know, adolescent heaven for guys in a misogynist culture.
Now Valhalla is much better, fighting till you drop, Valkyries to retrieve you to the feasting halls, and serving wenches that are willing and experienced. No hangovers ( the islamics got that one right ) and excellent beer & mead. Sorry, I shouldn't be proselytizing for my own faith.
It is noteworthy that evil people know we don't want to kill children, and use that against us. They know we don't like headlines that call us baby killers either.
Actually you can judge the rightness of a cause by the tactics used. If you call one who has differing points of view racist for disagreement, or strap bombs to children, or hide behind innocents, your cause obviously can't stand the light of day or is worthy to be honestly debated.
I don't care if you call yourself a freedom fighter, murder civilians by preference, your cause is lost to my heart. If your cause is just, show courage, not cowardice. Attacking the person who disagree's, and refusing to convince in the world of ideas, shows you are evil, and your cause worthless.
Posted on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 - 06:36 pm:
Karma train arriving at their station.
If no infidels were killed, then they weren't martyrs for the cause (if I have the rhetoric straight) and they wouldn't be eligible for the virgin deal.
Please correct me if I'm wrong about that, but these guys were just idiots that blew themselves up which actually saved the "infidels" the trouble of hunting them down later.
Posted on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 - 09:34 pm:
I was just thinking that this type of thing must be pretty common. It's just to every day that someone is taping it. Think about those corroded old warheads that have been sitting in the sand for 30 years. best to not even touch the damn things, let alone modify the fusing to a cell phone and then move the whole scary thing to somewhere else over a dirt road in a Toyota pickup!
I'm actually surprised that many of those bombs work out as planned.
Posted on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 - 10:38 pm:
Somebody probably called a "wrong" number just as they got the trigger phone set! Had to be AT&T customer service checking up on customer satisfaction for the new phone!