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Message |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 01, 2009 - 03:36 pm: |
The 2009 1125cr is going for $9,000.00 Dam i wish i had enough dough! |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 01, 2009 - 03:48 pm: |
Russ, May I ask what dealer is that? |
| Posted on Tuesday, September 01, 2009 - 05:21 pm: |
nananana nine-thousand dollars!!! |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 02, 2009 - 01:46 am: |
And they still have '08 1125R's for $8,300 |
| Posted on Wednesday, September 02, 2009 - 02:04 am: |
Stewadi First and foremost i must divulge that me and my pappy was admiring the sickles and a pregnant chick waddled up "No shit" and asked if we needed help! So i said how much for the 1125cr and i swear to god she said 9k i might be WRONG!! (maybe $9,999) I was blindsided by the PREGO CHICK!! Here is there link spx?&LL=en-US&AD4=USA&FC=isHarley&brand=h&DSN=MapP oint.NA&ST=0&LOC=40.59%3a-111.9043&CT=40.59%3a-111 .9043%3a1%3a1&IC=40.59%3a-111.9043%3a306%3aSouth+V alley+Harley-Davidson+Shop&GAD1=South+Valley+Harle y-Davidson+Shop&GAD2=8886+S.+Sandy+Parkway+Drive&G AD3=Sandy%2c+UT+84070&GCITY=Sandy&GSTATE=UT&GZIP=8 4070&GAD4=USA&bizid=8168&phone=801-563-1100&fax=80 1-563-1119&IC_O=40.5967046528315%3a-111.9577083086 14%3a33%3a+84088&GAD3_O=+84088&GZIP_O=84088&GAD4_O =USA&IC_D=40.59%3a-111.9043%3a306%3aSouth+Valley+H arley-Davidson+Shop&GAD1_D=South+Valley+Harley-Dav idson+Shop&GAD2_D=8886+S.+Sandy+Parkway+Drive&GAD3 _D=Sandy%2c+UT+84070&GCITY_D=Sandy&GSTATE_D=UT&GZI P_D=84070&GAD4_D=USA |