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| Posted on Sunday, June 13, 2004 - 10:30 pm: |
Excellent Steveford, it worked perfectly... but I did have to hit a couple auto parts stores before somebody had one. I will have to scare up a full set of inserts to have laying around, very handy and as easy as can be to install. I ended up putting two in each hole, but don't think it was necessary. I figured if the first strips out, I could just buy a longer bolt and be back in business. For the punch (the only part not included in the Napa Helicoil kit, $25 and included 15 coils), I just found a big nail and cut the head square with a hacksaw. Worked great. Thanks again! |
| Posted on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 10:02 am: |
Hi guys. I have an easy one. I have a '97 S1 and had to rebuild from the bottom up. After putting the Engine all back together and into the bike, There is one little thing. That braided wire strap in the back, where does it go? What does it bolt up to? I can't find anything on it in the manual. |
| Posted on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 08:49 pm: |
Reepicheep, Only one HeliCoil per hole, please! Oxford, That sounds like your main ground strap. On my 98 S3 it goes from near the rearmost tie bar by the swing arm and up to the frame crossbar behind the battery. |
| Posted on Monday, June 14, 2004 - 09:21 pm: |
In hindsight, the second one was unnecessary, but the instructions said that if it is a deep hole, put in two, so thats what I did, it worked fine. It was a waste of two helicoils though... |
| Posted on Tuesday, June 15, 2004 - 09:56 am: |
sometimes, the second helicoil won't line up right with the first, and the threads won't allow full installation of the fastener (don't ask ;-} |
| Posted on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 02:33 pm: |
Dumb question, even harley can't or wont answer. Does anyone know what size the rear bolt that holds on the rear bake caliper on a 99 m2 cyclone is? I know there are two but they are different sizes, I need the rear one. Harley wants to sell me the entire rear caliper for 175 dollars. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 24, 2004 - 01:22 am: |
The bolt takes a 13 mm socket (which usually dictates the size of the bolt unless it's something really strange, and I don't have my charts or screw gage next to me), and is 14.8 mm long, from the end of the flanged head to the end of the threads. You should be able to find it at an auto parts store etc, if not, try Fastenall or McMaster. |
| Posted on Sunday, September 19, 2004 - 09:32 am: |
can anyone tell me the length of the 2 x m10 bolts that hold the starter motor on ? |
| Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 12:24 pm: |
Anybody know what size screws are used for the petcock? Thanks!!! Dennis |
| Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 12:39 pm: |
depends, mennis -- on late model tubers, there are brass inserts in the tank,and these take bolts (I could guess on the sixe, but I'd likely be wrong -- that said, they look like #10 fine thread by about 1.25 inches) on early models, with no inserts in the tank, the fasteners seem to be sheet metal screw like dealios . . . . . .. again, I'd guess #10 |
| Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 02:40 pm: |
Why don't they put this info in the service manual? They never give you all the info (like the size and thread type of bolts) |
| Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 02:46 pm: |
Because sometimes they do running changes and a common running change is a change in fastener sizes. Somewhere buried on the site here is a listing of mostly all the hardware found on some year of tube frame Buell that someone did up once a couple of years ago if I recall correctly. Don't know if it still exists or if it got lost in one of the major system crashes we had back then when people were requested to repost any saved data or messages they had at the time. I do recall it was a pretty extensive hardware listing though. Might be worth a search to see if it has what you're looking for, if it's still alive on the site here. =====
Well what do you know, there's that list right at the top of this page here. Will wonders never cease. How about that. Didn't see a petcock screw though. (Wait, there's something funny about that sentence, oh well.) (Message edited by mikej on March 31, 2005) |
| Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 04:19 pm: |
Lake; some of that info can be found in the parts catalog for your bike - not all, but some of it. Of course that doesn't help you right now ... Henrik |
| Posted on Thursday, March 31, 2005 - 10:07 pm: |
The motor companies [both Harley and Buell] don't put that screw length data in their service manuals because they think that a lot of their customers are morons and they don't want us to buy their service manuals in the first place. That way at the very least some us will buy screws that are too short and then strip out our aluminum parts forcing us to buy replacement parts or at least helicoils [which can be installed at the service department]. KK |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 04:56 pm: |
Hi, I'm new here so if this is posted in the wrong place, sorry. I usually post on another board but enjoy reading through this site. I've got a problem and can't seem to find all the info I need here. It's probably here somewhere, I even saw a photo of a similar problem, but I need more. Here's the problem, just got back from vacation, put around 1200 miles on my '02 Cyclone, giving it a good bath Sun. and found one of the bolts that bolt through the front isolator to the head has snapped off. I've parked the bike but had to order bolts from dealer. I can't find the torque specs on these bolts anywhere. Also is there a certain procedure to follow to fix this? Thanks for any help you can offer. Mike |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 05:22 pm: |
Hoser posted this description as well as the bulletin #. Don't know if that's still current. T357885 Does anyone have the actual .pdf of the bulletin? Can anyone confirm that the bulletin mentioned - B018 issued May 1999 - is still current |
| Posted on Wednesday, June 29, 2005 - 05:30 pm: |
Hey Henrik, thanks alot, that will give me something to go by. Mike |
| Posted on Monday, July 04, 2005 - 12:39 pm: |
well the repair didn't go so good. The easy-out removed the broken bolt but tore out the threads with it. I drilled and tapped it for the next size bigger bolt. Thought it was all good till I put the final torque on the bolts and the head cracked at the bolt boss. Damn it. Guess now I gotta pull off the head and try to fix it. Any suggestions? |