If you're on the fence about Blu-ray, jump down now! Angie got me the Watchmen director's cut blu-ray for our monthaversary, and it kicks ass. Not only are the sound and video quality fantastic, but it has what Warner Bros calls "maximum movie mode." It's like a director's commentary on crack. It has picture-in-picture comparisons between the comic and the movie, director walk ons where the movie moves into the background and you see side-by-side how shots where made, and a pop up timeline comparing events in the Watchmen universe with real history. I'm only 5 minutes into the movie so far, but I'm sold on Blu-ray.
If you're looking for a low cost BD player, check out the Magnavox NB530MGX. It sells at Wal-Mart for $98 new. I got one on eBay for $66. It doesn't have an ethernet jack, so it lacks some of the bells and whistles of the high end players (e.g. Netflix streaming or the BD-live online content), but the video quality is great, it decodes Dolby TrueHD (the lossless BD audio format), and the performance is pretty good vs. other standalone (non-PS3) players. It won't keep up with a PlayStation 3 on loading heavy Java menu discs like Iron Man, but no standalone player does. For $334 savings over the PS3, I can put up with waiting a minute for the initial disc load.
Sanchez, Thanks for the info! We are planning on getting a Blue Ray player in the future (probably a Christmas present). I can't wait! Our DLP has been asking and asking when we were planning on getting one! lol
F'in SWEET! If your design is selected for print you will win an AAC .22 Silencer (Prodigy or Element while supplies last) I have a couple of ideas already!
Hope y'all had fun today Odie! I took a ride up to Lake Hartwell today to check out a friends new boat. Had a good time, shredded my rear blazing I85 with a friend on a Suzuki. Damn bike is doing the jerk again.
"after his first moped trip from his home state of Arizona to Kalamazoo for a rally" .. holy crap .. that's a 1,700 mile trip by highway much less side road .. on a moped ??
Wait now I understand .. I see glitch's post ^^^^^^^ a rally .. well that's one way to put it.
Glitch .. that 3% wallpaper is kick'n, now I know what color I want to paint my bike but a custom paint job, man then I'd have to wash it. That and figuring out a way to paint that.
Stealth- we had a blast!!! Pun intended. We had all kinds of targets and I hung some muffler ends up in the tree line. Some full water bottles for effect and beer cans about 175 yards out. I am still picking up brass out of the yard. Had five of my friends out. More were supposed to come but they chose to work overtime instead. I guess double time on a Sunday is more important than shooting guns!! Can't blame them though- it is school clothes time for some. My shoulder is a little sore still. Wish we were a little closer!!
Speaking of mopeds or even scooters. Has anyone seen the the 09' Yam T-max scooter. It's a 499cc twin....well it's a horizonal-twin and way over priced at 8000.00
The latest Motorcyclist has a review of it. They said it was an excellent starter bike, especially for the vertically challenged. It's 100 lbs lighter than a Ninja 250. It tops out about 75 mph, which should be fine for an 8 mile commute.