You're welcome Russ! I know you and Melissa must be breathing a sigh of relief now that everything is official. Cannot wait to meet the little cutie! And Mama Melissa too!
We are planning to come to Atlanta on Labor day weekend. We will be in the Snellville area, maybe a get together would be prudent? And maybe a ride in the hills? (I am sure I can figure out a way to get the bike there).
so we wont be making the party Well that sux... Glitch please send your addy to new12r's email please as soon as you can? Done. The bike is running awesome.
Travis, we're in for Saturday, just not sure what time.
Glitch, That was great....I needed that laugh. Peter Boyle play'd a great Frankenstein, RIP Peter. Never cared for Gene W, but that was his best role even and its not Frankenstein its Franken...STEIN'
Got the movie on classic VHS and DVD
Travis, Shelley and I,the gang are playing it by ear, but are going to try to make it out. I will be late afternoon though
Looking forward to meeting Mrs. Sanchez! Yep it's Saturday for us, good thing this isn't last minute! This is the time of year where things get a bit hectic, and schedules are difficult.
Everybody be safe have fun, sorry gotta work. we will however see you guys next weekend for the party. Man i hate having to do the adult thing , i wanna be a kid again. Stealth i know we have some errands to run in the morning, we might could come by tomorrow in the afternoon, go easy on those PBR's okay man!
Great time as always Travis! Thanks! Great pictures as always Matt! Awesome time. I'm feeling my age this morning. Let's do it again! Here are our pictures
Come on Dave. I'm dyin' here. It's our business computer and if this thing is toast it's going to be hell rebuilding the inventory, database, etc. Quit watching NASCAR and PM me. I'm just messing with you. I have been trying to get this thing working for two whole days now. I do not have time for this. I have pipe and such to be working on. Wife isn't too happy either....
Looks like ya'll had a good time yesterday. Wish I could'a came....