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Buell Motorcycle Forum » XBoard » Buell XBoard Archives » Archive through December 20, 2004 » Battery/Alternator Possible Problems « Previous Next »

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Posted on Friday, December 10, 2004 - 01:21 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

My XB9R has about 23K during the past 1.5 years. 42 mile commute each way has racked the mileage up. Very dependable bike, only routine maintenance performed. Have a Drummer and Race ECM as the only modifications.

I probably need to change the plugs and wires which I did at 10K. ( Buell Race Plugs and Accel Wires), they are due. Took my chances and didn't spring for the extended warranty.

I have noticed that when warming the bike up in the morning(at least 4-5 minutes), the tail and headlamp pulsate at idle. Northern California climate, 35-40 Deg at the coldest in the morning, but temperature does not seem to be a factor.

What do you think?
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Posted on Friday, December 10, 2004 - 11:44 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

seems like the alternator is powering the lights (pulsating)
If you have the original battery, that may be the cause. Clean up the connections and/or have it tested.
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Posted on Friday, December 10, 2004 - 01:36 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only)

Don't they all do that, the pulsing I'm talking about. Yeah, for a couple of min. during colder mornings, the rpm isn't rock solid yet. When it dips down to, say, 1K rpm, I notice the very little dimming of the light. No big deal though I don't think.

I think if your stator/alternator has a problem, you will know pretty soon.
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