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| Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - 02:52 pm: |
On the subject of mechanical ability some of us here are very capable Tech`s/mechanics myself I am a process engineer and A&P mechanic specializing in jet engine development and implemintation (I take a Blue print and when i am done we have a functioning jet engine)That is just one of my duties. Specifically the largest engine in the world along with several of its siblings. I also build custom long range weaponry for the military. I have had both my XB and my 1125 torn completely apart and back together again. I am in no way blowing my horn here there are many badwebbers here smarter than me. The only point I am making here is we here in the Buell world have a long history of making things work that are different so simply saying to this group "It will not work" is like putting a red sheet in front of a bull. I am a huge fan of Erik Buell Racing and am thrilled beyond words about what they are doing and have accomplished. I expect great things from them. I am not offended by them telling us that things are not possible on the 1125/1190 swaps but please lets not assume that we here at badweb are simple hobby mechanics I think we have proven this not to be the case. I have found in any development process that it is not wise to assume whom ever you are dealing with cannot figure a way to make it work. Erik himself has proven this point many times in the past that with enough ingenuity and determination most anything can be done. It may not be a direct bolt on or even a close fit. To some that is ok I like a challenge. Now having said that I am completely content with the position of "We don`t have the time" or we don`t have the man power or its cost prohibitive to offer 1125 aftermarket parts to emulate the 1190. Thats ok but please don`t assume we here could not adappt some parts to work. I would suggest to Erik Buell Racing and Badwebbers the fact that some of us want and desire the ability to update our styling and or performance is a great opportunity for Erik Buell Racing. Perhaps not right now but please don`t rule it out. because one way or the other it will be done with or without Erik Buell Racing. I dearly hope with. With all respect and amazement to what has been accomplished. Red |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - 03:27 pm: |
You're right jet. No one has an issue with guys like you taking the bull by the horns. Solve some of our problems and I'm sure you would have enough side business to eat your weekends. It's awesome. Anon never said it couldn't be done. They said "rationally". For them. If some one else can figure out a way more power to them. The issue is when people lay their issues at the feet of Erik Buell Racing. It's not "rational" for them to put that kind of time and effort into something maybe 5 of us are going to buy. People need to stop laying this stuff at the feet of Erik Buell Racing and come up with their own solutions or buy a Yamaha. The 1125 board seems to consist of nothing more than "I have a problem, why wont Erik fix it" threads, which pisses some of us off. If that makes me a "nutswinger" as I've been called then so be it. |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - 06:06 pm: |
Well, I gotta say, this thread is more entertaining than Tosh.0. Initially I wanted Blake to just kill it, but this is just too funny. I guess that to sum this thread up, we all have to admit, that if you really, really had to, and really, really wanted could make a Ford F-150 look just like an Erik Buell Racing 1190RS.....or maybe eat a bowling ball. Blake....this thread should get some sort of prize! |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - 07:31 pm: |
I agree 100% Erik Buell Racing is in no way liable to fix any 1125R issues and I would not ask. But if @ some point we could leverage some of there expertice in handleing issues our selves it would of course garner even more loyalty. I would suggest to others here who would want Erik Buell Racing to fix issues before the HD warrantee obligations run out should be aware Erik Buell Racing most likely cannot legally help us officially. Red |
| Posted on Tuesday, August 16, 2011 - 08:45 pm: |
I got you all.....and if Toyota, or Budweiser could at some point leverage their expertise I would be terribly loyal to them for helping out too.............I'll bet Harley would dearly love for somebody to start picking up warranty issues for them.....and I would bet that if frogs had wings, they wouldn't bump their back sides when they jumped! |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 - 12:50 am: |
So Ohslow... are you trying to argue that Erik Buell Racing should do any and every conceivable impractical task, or be branded a failure? NOPE. Or are you trying to argue that if Erik Buell Racing doesn't do something *you* want them to do, that they have failed? NOPE Or are you arguing that Erik Buell Racing should stop working on the current production bike needed for AMA Superbike homologation in order to make a fairing kit that can retrofit onto an out of production motorcycle? NOPE. Or should Erik Buell Racing stop working on future affordable street bikes in order to produce the fairing kit you are looking for? NOPE I'm sure you have a point here, and that this is just a communication problem. But whatever your original goal was, it has been lost in translation. THIS^^^^ i could care less if ebr makes a tail section that will fit an 1125 or any other part for that matter. its the fact that whom ever annoy is said that it couldn't be done, well not that it couldn't be done but typed the long version of why it wouldn't work well. my point being is when i see annoy say things like it cant be reasonably be accomplished. since when has buell been reasonable....just about everything on their bikes scream unreasonable....but it works. i never once mentioned that i wanted ebr to make aftermarket parts for the 1125 everyone just assumed that is what i meant? You are coming off as either epically ignorant, or as doing a bunch of petty self absorbed whining... and I'm sure those are inaccurate perceptions. you forgot one option....... objective } |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 - 02:38 am: |
Drink the cool aid and be quiet. :-) |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 - 01:10 pm: |
Ohsoslow - maybe in your eyes, the old Buell was unreasonable. That can happen when you're a sportbike company working under Harley mandates. The side radiator pods on your 1125 with no full fairing - sort of unreasonable, right? Harley essentially forced them to do it that way. And the Sportster lump in the XB? Buell had a very short list of options after Harley took control of what would later become the V-Rod motor. The 1125R wasn't supposed to be the first water cooled Buell, but maybe you already knew that. Those are just two examples of the product planning issues BMC had to deal with. The amount of untold product planning disputes that Buell had with Harley could probably fill a book, yet you feel Buell Motorcycle Company was unreasonable in doing things the way that they did. Fine, whatever. The good news is the new Buell doesn't have to gain Harley Davidson approval anymore. Maybe now, they'll be a little more "reasonable" in what they produce. Or maybe not.
(Message edited by boltrider on August 17, 2011) |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 - 01:31 pm: |
quote:The 1125R wasn't supposed to be the first water cooled Buell,
And it wasn't. The first water cooled Buells were built in 1983, and they had 4 cylinders and more HP than the 1125R.  |
| Posted on Wednesday, August 17, 2011 - 01:42 pm: |
touche |
| Posted on Thursday, August 18, 2011 - 05:42 pm: |
| Posted on Thursday, August 18, 2011 - 08:22 pm: |
Crowley, now that's funny!!! |
| Posted on Thursday, August 18, 2011 - 09:39 pm: |
Wow. I just put on 1800miles on my 1125r during coarse of this thread. Just logged in to see what I missed. Looks like time would be better spent putting on another 1800... |
| Posted on Thursday, August 18, 2011 - 10:52 pm: |
I'll be starting to do 1190 conversions, Only$45,000+ your titled 1125. PM me with your interest, can arrange financing to interested parties. |
| Posted on Friday, August 19, 2011 - 12:31 am: |
Bobbuell1961 - exactly! |
| Posted on Friday, August 19, 2011 - 10:37 am: |
I'LL DO 'EM FOR $40,000! Send me your bike and the title. |
| Posted on Friday, August 19, 2011 - 06:23 pm: |
Always someone trying to undercut a enterprising young man. |
| Posted on Friday, August 19, 2011 - 11:28 pm: |