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Buell Forum » Buell Motorcycle Classifieds » Buell Parts & Accessories for Sale » Archive through January 31, 2010 » Real buell carbon fiber,, xb front fender « Previous Next »

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Posted on Thursday, January 28, 2010 - 10:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

ok,, so i have had this sitting in my rack oh parts for quite some time and am really trying to decide what to do with it..
i figured that eventually i would get a xb of some sort to slap this thing of beauty on but that is not happening for now,,
then i started thinking i bet i am not the only buell guy with spares sitting around.. maybe some of you guys have something i want or could use more..
so i am fishing for trades,,,
what i have is a beautiful real buell carbon fiber front fender for a xb,,
if you have not seen buell carbon fiber it is thin, strong, and light...
wish all my parts were made like this..
here is a link to the part..
http://www.buell.com/en_us/gear/accessories/produc t.asp?Menu_ID=2&ProductLineID=4&CategoryID=5&Produ ctID=1978
some things i might be interested in are , in no particular order..
cash,, always good
buell blast corbin seat
buell blast pro series exhaust
buell s2 carbon fiber front fender
buell s2t bags
buell s2 body work
other buell s2 or s2t stuff...
or just other cool buell stuff ..
shoot me a pm and we will see what offers i get and if your stuff is worth more than mine i am not opposed to swapping cash either way,,
if i dont get any interest then she will just stay on the shelf until i get a xb or strap her on some thing else..
im not opposed to keeping this piece.. figure in the near future these will probably become hard to find.
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