As a security measure, if you are not logged-in, you won't see the RAN. Suggest you set your user profile settings to leave the cookie rather than remove it when you leave BadWeB. The BadWeB cookie is neither intrusive nor provides any tracking data or any other off-site functionality. It's only for the user's benefit.
Posted on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 - 06:46 pm:
Is there an easier way to search for a user than to go to search, pick a name, and search for an author of a post? Seems that there should be a single point to search for a user.
Posted on Wednesday, December 19, 2007 - 07:23 pm:
To insert a youtube video copy the video's URL provided by YouTube--the one for the above video is ""--and paste only the portion following the "=", the very end of the URL ("zmqo8hCp6aU" in this case) into the following Discus Tag...
If you want it centered in your post, you'd put it inside the centering tag \c{ }.
there should be a section for reviews. i have paid $200+ for an '07 XB12Ss Long Touring Seat from [redacted] in November!!! and i have not recieved it yet. little longer then 7-10 Business days! Their website still shows "processing" today!!! I want to give them a horrible review. What should I do in this situation.
Number one is to avoid giving them any publicity on BadWeB. Thus I've removed the name of the dubious operation from your post. I can say for your own benefit that they are a known dubious operation and are likely to soon be out of business. I hope you can recover your $200. If you paid by credit card, you have strong recourse. Give your the card folks a call, number on back of card and they'll help you get a claim filed. Some credit card operations have a website that you can use to file such claims.
Strangely/sadly even negative review will constitute beneficial advertising for hucksters like that; the problem is that inevitably, whether honest or not, you'll have someone inject into your review thread that they just absolutely love the offending vendor/huckster and then proceed to testimonialize to that effect; there is usually no way for us to tell if the testifier(s) are honest or shilling for the hucksters (most likely in this case), or even the hucksters themselves (likely in this case).
The good news is that I'm fairly sure that the dubious fly-by-night online vendor that you mention will be disolved and out of business in the near future. You are not the first to experience problems with that dubious operation.
I know one VERY HIGHLY RESPECTED and reputable Buell parts vendor who had to threaten the huckster to have his Buell products removed from that huckster site. The huckster actually somehow imagined that it was okay for him to put up ads advertising the reputable vendor's products for a significant discount over what the respected and reputable vendor sold them for. And the huckster hadn't even asked if he could do so. Some people sure are funny.
My strong advice to all Buell Motorcycle owners looking for Buell parts is to stick to well-known and trusted vendors, including all of BadWeB's sponsors and also your local dealership(s).
Note: If we see ANY commercial Buell Motorcycle related web site other than that displays "Buell" or the name or a new Buell motorcycle model like "1125R" prominently in their basic domain name, that should be a big red flag and huckster alert to stay away; they are not likely reputable.
My strong advice to all Buell Motorcycle owners looking for Buell parts is to stick to well-known and trusted vendors, including all of BadWeB's sponsors and also your local dealership(s).
Damn accurate statement. I ran onto a new one yesterday and I guess we are now seeing Buell arrive at the point in the history of the firm where there are folks eager to stick it to the unscrupulous buyer.
Good common sense should govern. It you are dealing with a new, unheard of firm (say they adopted for instance the name of a new Buell model) and they are selling stuff below what you can buy from a badweb sponsor (I've yet to see a legit place beat sponsor pricing) well . . the name of that game is "Caveat Bueller".
I'm sure there are exceptions and folks eager to take me to task but that's a good rule of thumb.
P.S. - anyone know where "rule of thumb" came from? . . . little test here.
if you have a trusted website section, you should have a not trusted website section.
BWB doesn't have a "trusted" website section. Do you have any clue how labor intensive it would be to create a "not trusted" list? The feasibility is.......not happening.
Here's the easy way IMO -- if they don't sponsor here I don't do business with them (the exception is if I can walk in their establishment, but I still prefer to buy from a BWB sponsor and have it delivered to my front porch.)
The legal and philosophical ("trusted" by whose standards . . . ) impediments would outweigh the benefit.
We pretty much, even as much as we may disagree among ourselves, subscribe to a de facto policy of personal responsibility.
If you have a question, ask. Between, for instance, Dave Gess and I we've been around and riding Buells for about a half century. Badweb has folks from more countries than you can imagine including vendor/sponsors in far away lands. I'm betting you can find about anything anywhere.
We also have a "shoe in" in the world of Buell in that we are kinda spoiled.
We have what I consider the Gold Standard of vendors. . . . Eventually they all get compared to Al and Joanne Lighton at American Sport Bike. That's a "good thing" and everybody wins.
We even have engine builders who (talk about and ego filled art) even through they may not agree from time to time are among the finest in the world. I could heartily reccommend several who would provide quality product while protecting your moolah.
Badweb, among other reasons, is the standard by which many motosites are judged because of the small "cyber-militia" Blake maintains. We exchange info, we don't police.
Best bet . . .root around, ask and gather info. In the "good old days" we didn't have that luxury. There's a very slim chance that anything you're wanting to do in this day someone hasn't "pre-made" most the mistakes and chronicled the experience.
true. also, it would not be good if BWB put a lagit company on the black list. I didn't know BWB had that sponsor list befor i came to post in the first place. i don't think i will ever buy any aftermarket part from a company not on that list ever again. Thanks for your help in this BS.
Blake - The youtube embeds are cool. Since you've opened that door, I would find it quite handy to be able to embed google map routes. Is this possible?