The key for the bags is a lot smaller but still symmetrical like the ignition, meaning it works right side up or upside down. If you can remove the bags without the key then take them off and leave them off. The latches that hold them on are locked with the same key. If they open without a key then they could also open by themselves while you are merrily cruising down the highway, unless you have something non-stock rigged up.
If you can take the bags off then you could just bring the whole thing to a locksmith, the key blanks should be readily available and easy to make. One last thought, did you get any paperwork with the bike? There is a three digit code on the key, maybe it’s listed somewhere in there to save you some trouble. At any rate, I think the locksmith option might be the easiest and cheapest. Good luck.
My key fell off my ring while riding. I only had the top bag on so I took the side bag to a local lock smith $35. Later I have 4 new keys to the luggage and 3 new ignition.
My key fell off my ring while riding. I only had the top bag on so I took the side bag to a local lock smith $45 later I have 4 new keys to the luggage and 3 new ignition. The ignition are blanks for some Volvo models and all metal but they work.
i'd like further instruction on how to pick lock. if i lose my key i have spare at house, but that isn't going to help me if i'm miles, hours, or days away from home
One of the easiest locks to pick. The caveat being; It is easier to just zip tie a spare luggage key to a hidden spot up in the bike and spray paint it mat black than it is to carry a pick set with you. This video will show you how easy.
You are correct and the hidden key is the better solution. Will take less time to zip key onto bike than learn the new skill Maybe even less than to watch video Thanks
Ordered Hepco and Becker blanks from There’s no documentation (I’m the third owner so... no chance of knowing which key number it is) I have a local locksmith who will hand cut me a key from the removed cylinder.
I’ll post the part number when they get here but I got that part number in a BadWeb search so... there ya has it.