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Buell Motorcycle Forum » Big, Bad & Dirty (Buell XB12X Ulysses Adventure Board) » BB&D Archives » Archive through March 26, 2008 » UKBEGs 10th Anniversary meet at Black Bear HD,Newmarket,UK. « Previous Next »

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Posted on Wednesday, March 26, 2008 - 01:07 am:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Custodian/Admin Only) Ban Poster IP (Custodian/Admin only)

The weather was not conducive to riding to this event but a few of us braved the snow and rain (one enthusiast did 270 miles-albeit on his GS).
There was a good turn-out,helped by the promise of free coffee and donuts no doubt.

One of the guys was picking up what may be the first XB12XT to be sold in the UK which was exciting to check out.

The weather was too poor for the promised test rides (I don't think anyone was bothered really) and the 1125R got plenty of attention,it was to go to the UK bike press on the Tuesday after this event so they didn't want anyone dropping it (we spotted the paint on the frame had bubbled and discoloured from excessive heat!).

Mr E Buell himself had sent over a personal letter to CJ (who started UKBEG 10 yrs ago) to acknowledge his efforts which was really impressive-top man!
He (EB) had also sent some personally signed 1125R posters for the event which were handed out,along with some t-shirts and crew-shirts (I got a poster,woo-hoo!-it'll be framed soon and put on the wall).

A good day was had by all.

An amusingly named hamlet (small village) on the out-skirts of Newmarket:

Newmarket (60 miles North of London)is the horse racing capital of England,here the horses are crossing the road for training:

The first UK XT on the road?:

From left to right,Digger (new XT owner),Jane (Mrs CJ/Mrs UKBEG),CJ (Mr UKBEG) and Steve (Dealer Principle):

The letter:
http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b145/cjbuell/eri kbuellletter.jpg
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